6Elm Learning Update

Central idea: Identity and thinking can be influenced through the media

Welcome back and welcome into Year 6! The children have had a fantastic first week back and have shown a great enthusiasm towards the start of their Year 6 journey. We have talked about expectations, leadership and setting standards as the oldest children in the school. I am sure they will make exceptional role models.

This week, we started our first line of inquiry in which we have discussed and researched what the term 'media' actually means, or refers to. As a class, we have discovered that it is a much larger means of communication than we first thought. We are excited to see where this takes us next...

In maths, we have been building upon our knowledge of place value and extended our knowledge of place value in numbers up to ten million. We have started our core text, Pig Heart Boy, and considered the difficulties Cam is facing with a failing heart.