2Sequoia Learning Update

Central idea: Exploring identity can develop a sense of belonging.

I am so pleased to welcome you to our wonderful class 2Sequoia! It has been a great week, getting to know the children and our feet have barely touched the ground with the amount of learning already taking place. We began the week with a focus on our transition project focusing on one of the Sustainable Development Goals 'Life on Land'. We are looking forward to showcasing the amazing research the children have undertaken on a new date, to be confirmed.

Through our inquiry, we have explored the concept of 'Identity'. Our big question was 'Can I Build Another Me?' and we thought carefully about what we would want to build if we could build ourselves from scratch.

In maths, the children have shown a great understanding of the value of numbers up to 100, building tens and ones to represent numbers.

The fabulous story 'Croc and Bird' has been the focus of our reading comprehension and we are excited to find out what happens next.

Reminders: Please ensure your child reads at home every day - a simple initial and date on their reading bookmark will count towards a raffle ticket prize draw. Please refer to the letter sent via MCAS explaining the details . PE is on a Monday, please make sure your child is ready by having their PE kit in school all week as we may take other opportunities for additional PE lessons.