Year 1 Autumn

Week 13

Friday 15th December 2023

I am so proud of Year 1 for their efforts this week in learning the songs for the Christmas Show. I appreciate your support, we hope to see you there on Monday. Please check out the photographs below to see what we have been learning this week.


We created a collage of our community, Stratford collaboratively inspired by L. S. Lowry's paintings.


We are consolidating what we have learned this term in Science by labelling a diagram of the human body.


Today the children were introduced to Natterhub. This is an app we use to learn about Internet safety.


We have been consolidating what we learned about the nativity at Highway Vineyard Church using the small world resources and story maps. 


We have been writing a recount about a nature walk around the school inspired by 'Our Trip in the Wood'. The children have been determined to improve the presentation of their writing.


We are learning addition to 20. It takes ages to add numbers together by counting in ones. We have been trying out methods such as counting on from the greatest number and making groups of 10.


Week 12

Friday 8th December 2023

On Tuesday Year 1 visited the Highway Vineyard Church to embark on a Christmas journey. The children learned about the nativity story by meeting actors who played Mary and Joseph, the Shepherds, the Three Wise Men and Angel Gabriel. We discussed ways that Christmas is celebrated by Christians around the world - did you know that in Australia Santa wears shorts and flip flops.

The Year 1 children represented Stratford Manor Primary well, they add excellent manners and participated well in the church activities.

Week 11

Friday 1st December 2023

Thank you for attending the 'Food Festival' today. The children enjoyed showcasing what they have learned about in the curriculum unit 'Ourselves and Our Community'. Also, the children hope you enjoyed eating the Stratford Manor Salad. Our class planted and harvested the carrots, cress, broccoli and red cabbage microgreens this term. They learned how to perform a variety of food preparation skills such as chopping, peeling, grating, blending and juicing to create the elements for the Stratford Manor Salad. It was so healthy and scrumptious. 

Week 10

Friday 24th November 2023

This week we have been preparing for the 'Food Festival'. This term we have been learning about 'Ourselves and Our Community' and we would like you to
celebrate our learning with us. We have been planting vegetables which we will be preparing into a delicious snack for you. 


We programmed Bee Bots by making an algorithm that can navigate a map.


We are learning about the sources of food we will be preparing.


As teams, we have been observing animals closely by sorting them by their characteristics.

Week 9

Friday 17th November 2023

What an action packed week we've had. We started off this week participating in Odd Socks Day for Anti-Bullying Week and discuss how we can be kind to each other and stamp out bullying. 

Also at the start of the week Year 1 caught the tube and made their way to the Young V&A in Bethnal Green. The purpose of the visit was to enrich our learning of our current curriculum unit, 'Ourselves and Our Community'  by looking into the history of our community. The young historians aimed to investigate what toys were like when their grandparents were young, by asking questions about the artefacts such as:

'What is the artefact?'

'What material are toys made of?' 

'How do you play with the artefact?'

We found out older toys like dolls are often made out of wood instead of plastic and gaming consoles did not have touch screens or connect to the internet.

Year 1 had an exhilarating day full of exploring the artefacts, performing on the stage and asking and answering questions. They were well-behaved and polite representing Stratford Manor.



"Say no to bullies. BOO!"

Young v&A

"What were toys like when our grandparents were young?"

Week 8

Friday 10th November 2023

This week has been wonderful, we are delighted to be back at school and to be reunited with our friends. Some of the highlights of our week include racing in Maths to learn about positions, tinkering using Bee Bots in Computing, in English we have started writing poems about fireworksand in PE we took part in a skipping fundraiser.


We are learning how to write poems. We were learning firework-themed nouns and using paint to inspire our writing.


We love our school library! There is always high-quality texts to get our imaginations going.


We were tinkering using the Bee Bots, the Bee Bots moved because of how we programmed them using commands.

Week 7

Friday 20th October 2023

This week Year 1 have been very determined especially when it came to using the Chromebooks for learning and Art. This week we used Google Classroom to access Busy Things and we completed a task where we labelled the human body with its parts to show what we have learned in Science lessons. Also later on in the week we learned how to access Doodle Learning and we will be using it for Maths and English. Logging in has been a challenge but we are getting so confident with technology now.

On Wednesday we had a curriculum day where we created abstract self-portraits in the style of Paul Klee. This links to the 'Ourselves' part of 'Ourselves and Our Community. We explored colour theory and use colours to make people feel emotions. 

Week 6

Friday 13th October 2023

Year 1 went on an educational visit to the Museum of the Home, Hoxton to enrich our understanding of the past, as a part of the curriculum unit 'Ourselves and Our Community'. In History, we have been investigating what life was like when our grandparents were children.

Did you know that in the past gardens were functional, people used to grow herbs used for medicine and cosmetics. Although some people do grow food today, it is less common now. Also in the past people had parlour rooms and drawing rooms. In our grandparents time screens were black and white, and touch-screen didn't exist! 

We are proud of Year 1 for having buckets of enthusiasm about their learning.

"They had toilets in the garden in the past." - Matei

"Old phones were big and dirty looking." - Zakariya

"In the past there was no touch screen." -  Zayaan

Week 5

Friday 6th October 2023


We have been writing a story inspired by 'The Queen's Hat', today we used the VR headsets to visit the zoo. We were naming and describing the animals we saw.


This week, we took our learning outside to conduct an investigation. We are developing our working scientifically skills by observing closely to associate body parts with the senses. We recorded what we can see and hear.


In PSHE we are learning about how actions can have consequences. In 1 Seacole teamwork is dream work! The consequence of working together was that we achieved a perfect score on Busy Things, learned from each other and felt proud. 

Week 4

Friday 29th September 2023

Year 1 went on an educational visit to Stratford Library to borrow wonderful books to read in our classroom and to conduct field work in our local area, Stratford, as a part of the curriculum unit 'Ourselves and Our Community'. On the journey to the library the children noticed human features including blocks of flats, houses, shops, roads, pavements, bus stops and churches. They also noticed physical features such as trees in the park. When they arrived at the library the children loved exploring the bookshelves and choosing a special book to bring back. Later on, the children worked together to create a route map to the library.

We ae so proud of Year 1 for having excellent manners on the trip and being respectful to our community.


Here is the route map to Stratford Library with local landmarks.


Our digital literacy is improving every week. Check out our trackpad skills.


In Art, we have learned how to use different medias to create observational drawings. Today we used watercolour paint to make thick lines, thin lines, curved and straight lines and dots.

Week 3

Friday 22nd Septemeber 2023

This week we have been doing many investigations, we have been researching our family's history and the four seasons. Please check out some of our learning.


In English we have been using our senses to generate vocabulary for our sentences. The lentil soup smelt spicy and fragrant and the tomato soup smelt delicious.


We went on a nature hunt! We are investigating seasonal changes and we looked at nature closely to look for signs that autumn is beginning.


In History, we have been investigating our family's past by looking at photos of our parents and grandparents. We represented our family history using a family tree.

Week 1 and 2

Friday 15th Septemeber 2023

On Wednesday, Year 1 went on their first trip of the school year to West Ham Park Ornamental Gardens. The weather was perfect and the children were well-behaved and we were impressed by how far they walked. In Art, we are learning about Elizabeth Blackadder who is a painter and a printmaker who created detailed masterpieces drawing and painting plants. Like Blackadder, the children observed their favourite plants closely and drew them in their sketchbooks. Also there was lots of talk amongst about the physical and human features of the local area which links to our current curriculum unit 'Ourselves and Our Community'. 


This term we are learning about technology around us. We sorted classroom objects into 'technology' and 'not technology'.

DT & SCience (Plants)

Later this term Year 1 will be hosting a 'Food Festival'. We have been observing seeds mature into plants. Soon we will be making you a delectable salad with our harvest.


We are learning about numbers to 10. We are using manipulatives to find 'one more' and 'one less'.


What a great surprise! We love the learning bus. The experience days have been fun and engaging and inspiring us to use ambitious vocabulary in our writing.


We are learning about numbers to 10. To deeper our understanding of numbers, we have been comparing and ordering numbers using vocabulary such as 'more', 'fewer', 'greatest' and 'smallest'.


Learning about the human body is exciting. We have been learning through engaging investigations, songs and games. We learned how to label a human body.