Reception Autumn 2022
Week Beginning 17th October 2022
This week we have been learning about Diwali and we made our own diva lamps we also did some role play around the story of Rama and Sita. We made our own rangoli patterns using shapes and did some writing as well. We finished off this term with making our own All About Me Booklets. We really had a good start to Reception. We will continue with our learning after half term. Watch this space for all the exciting activities and learning we will be doing.
Week Beginning 10th October 2022
This week in Goodall we have been focussing on our story "Lucy Ladybird and we have been learning about the different seasons. We drew what we would like each season to look like. We also are learning to form our letters by writing the initial sounds for the small creatures in the story. In Maths we are learning to count out the correct number of objects correctly and looking at copying patterns that we see. We really enjoy the company of our friends so we share toys, play games and have a snack together.
Week Beginning 3rd October 2022
This week we have been reading a story called "Lucy Ladybird". It is a story about a ladybird who has no spots and how she finally got them and how it is okay to be different. We made our own ladybirds to celebrate our differences as well as using paint and other materials to decorate other characters from the story. We also made flowers from friendship petals showing how we play together as good friends. In Maths we are learning how to say how many there are in a small group of objects by just seeing and knowing straightaway without counting. This is called subitizing. We are still learning the correct formation of sounds we are learning.
Week Beginning 26th September 2022
We are still looking at patterns using lolly sticks and trying to develop our writing skills with a range of media. We also looked at creating faces with some emotions.
Week Beginning 19th September 2022
This week we have been looking at patterns in Maths and talking about our families. We drew pictures of members of our families and made patterns for different clothing items.
These are some other activities we did as we are still trying to build relationships and learn how to share and play nicely with each other.
Week Beginning 12th September 2022
Welcome to Reception Goodall as we are called. During these first couple of weeks we have begun to settle into Reception. We have started to get to know one another by building friendships and learning class rules, routines and expectations. We continued with our learning outside as we learn to share and take turns.