Year 6 Autumn


Year 6 ended the year by showcasing their learning from the term. They exhibited work about the origins of the Transatlantic Slave Trade and the role in which Britain and the Americas played.  They will explore the concept of freedom. This linked to the children then learning about the Caribbean islands. They explored the region in depth looking at the physical and human geography including islands and coasts. They explore the impact of tourism on the region, looking at both the positives and negatives, developing their understanding of ethical tourism.  

Ben Kinsella- Stop Knife crime workshop

Year 6 had the amazing opportunity to work with the Ben Kinsella Trust. The award-winning workshop teaches young people about knife crime; debunking the myth that carrying a knife will protect you. The workshop is delivered from a unique and immersive exhibition, and shows young people how choices and consequences are intrinsically linked. Our year 6 children left the workshop empowered, able to make informed positive choices and understand how to stay safe. 

Odd Socks Day

It's that time of year again where children focus on creating an Anti bullying environment in our school. This year's theme of Make A Noise About Bullying came about following consultation with teachers and pupils by the Anti-Bullying Alliance. Pupils participated in a number of activities throughout the week which included wearing odd socks to school, making a class chant to stop bullying and creating a poster with their own anti bullying superhero. We had lots of discussions about the impact of bullying on children and how we mustn't forget to be an inclusive school throughout the year. 

Railroad quilt

Following on for our lesson about Harriet Tubman, Year 6 have been looking at the quilt code to the North. We looked at how slaves and free people stitched secret coded directions into quilts and then hung them outside at night to help guide freedom seekers to the next safe house. Children have been looking at the different designs and their significance before spending time creating their own. This is the first lessen in a sequence where the children will contribute to a whole class quilt. 

Watch this space…. 

Science- All living things (Classification)

In science children have been investigating different ways of classifying and ordering living things. Looking at vertebrates and invertebrates and all the different subcategories that they can use to order living things. 

A time to remember

Year 6 took time out of their day to reflect and remember all those who sacrificed their lives for our freedom. After participating in a nationwide online assembly children wrote a message of remembrance to add to our whole school display. 


We had some really happy children this week when they had another opportunity to take new books home to read. 


Year 6 joined more than 300 children at the Stratford Town Hall to meet the one and only Sir Lenny Henry for the launch of his new children’s picture books. The children had the opportunity to discover his passion for reading as a youngster. He spent an hour sharing jokes, reading extracts from his book and inspiring the children to become future authors. 


A Year 6 football curriculum should focus on building upon the fundamental skills and knowledge acquired in previous years and further developing their skills. Children have been focussing on dribbling, passing, shooting and ball control


In history children have been researching famous abolitionist. Abolitionists were individuals and groups who advocated for the abolition of slavery during the 18th and 19th centuries. They played a crucial role in the movement to end slavery and promote equal rights. 


The children were extremely excited to receive two new books this week. There was a huge range of choice both fiction and nonfiction to choose from. 

Kensuke's Kingdom

This week we have been busy reading Kensuke’s Kingdom. The children have really enjoyed reading about the adventures of Michael, the main character. We have also been working on the story for our English lesson where children have independently planned and written what happens next in the story. 


Year 6 finally started Samba in their music lessons this week. The started by looking at the history of samba and where in the world it originated from. They made links to Brazil and the work they did in year 5 on the unit Deforestation Disaster. The children are really looking forward to playing as a band and producing a piece of music for later in the year. 


Year 6 visited the Museum of London on Tuesday 19th September. The purpose of the visit was to discover how the trade in enslaved Africans and sugar shaped London. The museum’s building is central to this story. It was built at the time of the transatlantic slave trade, to store the sugar from the West Indian plantations where enslaved men, women and children worked. Children looked at first hand recounts of slaves and how they fought to abolish slavery. 


After our visit to the museum, we took a walk around Canary Wharf and the surrounding area. We spoke about the various buildings and the amazing job opportunities available in our local area. Let’s hope we have inspired a few of them to aspire to work in the corporate world in the future. 


Year 6 have had the amazing opportunity to take part in a project Voices of East Bank. The project focuses on the diversity of Newham and the different dialects and current languages. Over three workshops children had the opportunity to learn about cockney slang and its origins, creating stories creatively before recording their stories to go into an archive.   


Children have been creating colourful posters telling everyone more about themselves and their personality. 


It was that time of the year where the children vote two members of the class to represent them in the Children's Leadership Team (CLT). This year we had more candidates than ever before. Before the electron we spent some time learning about what Democracy is and why it is important to vote. All candidates prepared a speech before all the children voted. After a close fought election, congratulations to  Mehtab and Imogen on their appointment. 

Here is a quick word from our new CLT members.

Hi, my name is Imogen and I am really looking forward to getting lots of opportunities to give ideas for events. I want to say thank you to the people who elected me and a huge thank you to the people who made me feel confident when I was nervous about giving my speech.

Hi my name is Mehtab and I'm excited that I am part of CLT. I am happy because I have never had the opportunity to do something like this before.  I would like to  thank my classmates for voting for me.