Y4 Spring 1

We started his term off with a 'musical' bang! In Science, the children are learning about 'Sounds' . They identifyed how sounds are made, associating some of them with something vibrating. Whilst exploring with a range of instruments they recognised that vibrations from sounds travel through a medium to the ear. Towards the end of the lesson they were able to find patterns between the pitch of their instrumentand and the sound it made. In addition, found patterns between the volume of a sound and the strength of the vibrations that produced it. 

Children have been learning about the period of the Roman Empire, which has built on from their learning about the Ancient Greek civilisation. To begin with they learnt all about the Roman invasion of Britain and the resistance it met, which intertwined with our thread of ‘Peace and Conflict’. Children learnt all about whom the Celts were and how they resisted the invasion, which led onto a class debate about whether what the Celts did was right or wrong. Continuing on from this, children investigated what life was Roman Britain using a range of sources including augmented reality to explore Roman life and artefacts. To further their knowledge, Year 4 went to the Roman Amphitheatre, where they received an incredible workshop and a guided tour. Thereafter they strolled along to the British Museum of London to gain a further understanding of Roman Britain.

This week we have all become incredible poets! To begin with we studied, examined and dismantled the infamous poem ‘Still I Rise’, by Maya Angelou. Using this as a guideline we immersed ourselves into the shoes of a person who has been hurt to write our own version of ‘Still I Rise’. Check out our amazing poems!

This week we became artists! As you know we have been learning all about the Romans. We delved deep into exploring different types Roman mosaics. We researched, investigated and discussed the intricate designs we saw. This led us to designing our own mosaic designs and creating them using clay, clay tool, rolling pins and different wood imprints. Check out our work!