Y4 Summer 2

As you know Year 4 have been learning all about food. They were tasked with creating their own restuarant! They designed the menu, layout and had to cook all the food! 

We had a create turn out! Check out these pictures!

As you know Year 4 have been learning all about food. They have been researching where different types of food comes from, the journey it takes to arrive in England and how it is mass produced. They also learnt all about 'Fair Trade'! 

Year 4 were invited to Pizza Express! Children learnt the secret ingredients to making an amazing pizza dough. They were given a pizza base each, spread the tomato paste and the cheese on it.

In Year 4, children have been focussing on the narrative 'The Feast', which is a story about a stray dog who eventually finds love and care in a new home. Year 4 have been equiring what it's like ti take care of a dog so they had a special visitor this week! Ms McGee kindly bought her two special dogs in and Year 4 asked her a lot of questions! It was a lot of fun! 

In Reading Year 4 have been reading ‘The Chronicles of Narnia – The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe’. As a ‘hook’ into the book they were tasked to create their own mythical creature. Have a look at their inventions!

In Maths, Year 4 have been learning about ‘Area and Perimeter’, for their journaling task children had to create a figures with the same amount of area. They worked with their learning partner and used a range of resources to help them.

In Reading Year 4 have been reading ‘The Chronicles of Narnia – The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe’. As a ‘hook’ into the book they were tasked to create their own mythical creature. Have a look at their inventions!