Year 6

Welcome to Year 6

It is our pleasure to welcome you to the Year 6 page of our school website. There's always great learning going on in Year 6, and this site will share some of that with you. This page is to showcase the learning that is taking place at school. Please remember that home learning and school learning tasks are set on Google Classroom. 

To view our learning, please click on 'Learning Showcase' and go to the term you are looking for. Thank you. 

 Online & Remote Learning 

We provide a range of online resources to support our children's learning in school and at home. These resources provide children with opportunities to learn, consolidate and explore learning opportunities. It is important that all children know how to log on to the resources. This is taught in school but we appreciate it if this is reinforced at home.

Google Classroom


Times Tables Rock Stars

Year 6 | 2023-2024

Year 6 Autumn

Year 6 Spring

Year 6 Summer

Year 5 | 2022-2023

Year 5 Autumn

Year 5 Spring

Year 5 Summer

Year 4 | 2021 -2022

Year 4 Autumn 1

Year 4 Autumn 2 

Year 4 Spring 1

Year 4 Spring 2

Year 4 Summer 1

Year 4 Summer 2

Year 3 | 2020-2021

year 3 autumn 1

year 3 autumn 2

year 3 spring 1

year 3 spring 2

year 3 summer 1

year 3 summer 2

Please click here to see our class digital 'floor book'. This area is where we share some of the learning that is not necessarily recorded in exercise books or on Google Classroom.