Year 5 Autumn 2022

Week beginning 19.12.2022

We also held our annual Christmas Performance.  

Everyone did a fantastic job!

It was time for us to showcase our Autumn Home Learning Projects.  Above are some of the pieces of work that the children brought in.

Even though it was a short week just before the start of our Christmas Holiday, that didn't stop us to continue our learning.  We used a digital microscope to further study and observe our learning about bees.  

Have you seen a bee up close?  

Can you identify what type of bee it is? 

Week beginning 12.12.2022

Snow, snow, snow!  What a start to the week, the world covered in a blanket of snow!  Even though it caused a few interruptions, that never stopped us from our learning.  

Below are some of our Winter Poems

Here are some examples of research on Tribes in the Amazon that children created at home.

Week beginning 5.12.2022

This week we got to visit Eastlea Community School twice for two different occasions.  The first was to watch a Christmas performance, Scrooge and Marley.

The second was for a project Write for Rights 2022 where the children wrote Christmas Cards to people who have been imprisoned for speaking out.

Week beginning 28.11.2022

This week was our week of assessments where we could prove how much knowledge we have gained and what we are working towards achieving.  Everyone tried really hard and stayed focused throughout the different assessments.

We continued working on our Amazon Art Project.  The next step in our project was to layer our leaves and flowers to create a rainforest.  In each group decisions had to be made on where to put which leaves and flowers.  

Next we used PVA glue to glue our leaves and flowers in place.  

Using glue spreaders and cotton buds, we explored different patterns that can be used to add on to our Amazonian flowers.  We tried to make our patterns as fine and intricate as possible.

Once this step was complete, final patterns were added to our flowers only - making them stand out from the leaves.  

In Maths we explored and investigated how to multiply 2-digit numbers by 2-digit numbers.  After our exploration we continued practising it until we were confident with a preferred method of choice.  

Which method works best for you?  Partitioning?

 Column Multiplication? 


Week beginning 21.11.2022

Another busy week packed with learning!  

In English we continued to work on our persuasive speeches on plastic pollution.  We looked at the lifecycle of plastic and how it ends up in our oceans.  We wrote about the change that needs to happen and are now calling for action to take place. 

In Maths we looked at multiplying 2-digit, 3-digit and 4-digit numbers by single digits.  We explored multiple methods and through continuous practise we can now identify and with confidence use our preferred method of choice when solving these problems.

During our unit lesson we looked at the dangers of deforestation and the important role of rainforests in the world.  Deforestation is caused by a range of reasons, not only one.  Some examples that were discussed were logging, farming, erosion, droughts, habitat loss and more.

Do you know your months of the year in Spanish?

If not, ask any member of 5 Attenborough and they'll happily help you.  

Week beginning 14.11.2022

This week was anti-bullying week and to celebrate our differences - on Monday - everyone wore their odd socks to school.

In English we continued looking at the disastrous effect plastic has on our planet.  We looked at the government's point of view regarding this matter and discussed where and how we can make a start in school to eradicate the use of single-use plastic items.  For this we went on a secret mission as undercover agents to find examples of single-use plastic items in our school.  Below are a few examples of what we found.

In Spanish we learned more about the days of the week.  We also practised how to ask and answer questions about the days of the week and our favourite day of the week.

Week beginning 7.11.2022

This week we prepared ourselves for great adventure to follow!  Stormbreaker!  Ever heard of Alex Rider and his action packed adventures?  Anthony Horowitz is about to take us on one.

So far we've made predictions by looking at the front cover and blurb.  We've also read Chapter 1 and are beginning to form impressions of Alex from the text. 

In English we are looking at a persuasive speech around the topic of plastic pollution.  Most of this week's lessons were spent identifying the different shapes and arranging them.  A couple of lessons were also dedicated to finding single-use plastic items around the school and learning about the effects of plastic pollution around the world, especially in our oceans. 

Children had the opportunity to create their own slides with motion animation to share some of the statistics and facts that they've learned about plastic pollution.

On Thursday we completed our Chapter Review for Addition and Subtraction.  Everyone tried their best to apply what they've learned.  Our next chapter is all about Multiplication and Division.  In our first lesson we found different multiples.  We used square counters to find multiples of 8, 7, 6, 9, 4, 3 and 5.  They were all explored in a range of ways with some questions trying to trick us.

The whole school attended an online Remembrance Day assembly  where they heard and thought of people who sacrificed their lives for their country.  We also listened to some poems that were performed by children and took part in singing the Remembrance Day song.

Week beginning 31.10.2022

At the start of the week, early on Monday morning, there was a lot of excitement in both Year 5 and Year 6 as it is the week of our residential to Fair Play House.  Children eagerly waited for the coach to arrive to start their week of adventures.

These were some of the reading activities completed over the course of the week by the children who stayed behind.  Think about the novel you are reading.  Are you able to complete the above tasks for your novel?

Each child also had additional reading challenges to complete.  Some children completed all of them.

On Wednesday afternoon children visited the Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park to work on their orienteering skills.  Everyone had great fun!

Our English lessons were all around a clip we watched 'Marshmallows'.  It was about a boy camping in the woods (alone for some reason) when a vicious creature creeps up behind him.  

After studying the clip in depth we moved on to writing a non-chronological report about Mallodiles (the marshmallow-lover creature).  Our report included its appearance, habitat, possible predators as well as their diet.

In the afternoons we worked on a project around our school threads.  We looked at what each thread involves and in pairs created a collage with words explaining our threads.

Week beginning 21.10.2022

This week we started working on our Art Project.  We started off by looking at how different artists represented rainforests in their work and then explored paintings of the Amazon by John Dyer and Abel Rodriguez.  We also used our Kew Gardens experience as a building block to our art work.  

Once familiar with the style of these two artists, we started exploring colour mixing to create a range of vibrant shades.  The first tint we created was of brilliant blue and turquoise.  We created a background wash using sponges.

We then looked at the leaves we saw at Kew Gardens and decided which ones we are going to use.  The children practised mixing shades of green.  Once they've chosen the shades they wanted to use drew and painted their leaves.   

Once the leaves were done, children moved onto their chosen flower.  For the flowers they had to practise mixing shades of orange and purple.

When the leaves and flowers were dry, the children carefully cut around the edges of the shapes.  The next step would be to layer these onto the background.

This week we looked at naming different pets in Spanish.

How many do you know?

Do you know the difference between using 

Un ....  and Una ...?

Week beginning 14.10.2022

As part of our Science unit - Living things and their habitats - we are looking at the reproduction of plants.  

In one of our sessions we learned more about the different parts of a plant and the purpose of these parts.  

When the flowering parts were dissected the male and the female parts were identified.

How many parts can you name?

During our unit session we used Google Earth to locate Brazil.  We then looked at famous Brazilian landmarks using Google Earth and started researching one with our partners.

In this week's Jigsaw lesson we looked at rewards and consequences.   In groups we were given random objects to design our own game with rules.  We also held discussions on why we have rules in society and in school. 

Week beginning 7.10.2022

Our Educational Visit to Kew Gardens created a lot of excitement this week among the Year 5's!  It was an unbelievable experience; looking at the various plants found in rainforests as well as understanding how warm and humid the air in rainforests are. 

These amazing flowers and leaves left us inspired and will play a great role when we start our art work on layered leaf paintings. 

We also went on the Treetop Walkway where we got a birds' eye view of the Gardens.

Everyone had a great time!  Year 5's were true Manor ambassadors receiving many compliments for their exemplary behaviour and manners! 

Week beginning 26.9.2022

This week was the second week of our 2-week swimming block.  It was great fun and a lot of progress was made in each and every session!

Our Spring Onion experiment is on its way!  Look how they've grown.  Some are growing better than others.  We are hypothesising why this might be happening.

The Explorer by Katherine Rundell has taken us on a great adventure!  From learning about Fred, his workaholic father and cousin that lives in Brazil - we have completed a range of activities to support us with our writing tasks.  

Listening and looking at videos of the Amazon Rainforest, hot seating different characters and building a raft are only a few tasks we've completed to aid our writing. 

Week beginning 19.9.2022

In Science we started looking at the reproduction of plants.  One of our first experiments was to see if it is possible for some plants to reproduce with a single parent plant.  We are testing this theory using spring onions.

The Explorer by Katherine Rundell has taken us on a great adventure!  From learning about Fred, his workaholic father and cousin that lives in Brazil - we have completed a range of activities to support us with our writing tasks. 

As part of our Deforestation Disaster unit, we had a Brazilian Food (mostly tropical fruits) Tasting session.  We tasted each thing at a time; describing what it tastes like, describing the texture as well as comparing it to something we've had before or just tasted.  

Some of the fruits we have never tasted before and they surprised our taste buds! 

Some were not so appetising ! 

Week beginning 12.9.2022

The Year 5's made plenty of promises that they are going to try and keep throughout the year.  They've set themselves some goals and identified areas for improvement.  Hard work, perseverance and commitment were only a few of the promises Year 5's made towards achieving their goals this year!  

This week in Maths we revisited Place Value using the Base 10 resources.  Different numbers were made.  The numbers were broken up according to their values and then added back together.  The emphasis was on the 'Maths Talk' during the session to ensure everyone understands the value of each digit in the number.