Y4 Spring 2

We're coming to the end of our Spanish unit of 'Numbers to 20' and 'Family', but that didn't stop us from learning, recapping and improving on our Spanish! Check us out!


STEM Week!

As you can imagine, this was week was full of fun STEM related activities! To kick the week off we were tasked with two investigations. The first investigation we were tasked with designing an animal that could survive on Mars. We needed to think about the needs of all living things on Earth. Then we incorporated these additional characteristics that animals would need to survive on Mars. 

In the second investigation we learnt that if our bodies are infected with a virus our body is ready to fight using antibodies. Special white blood cells called B cells detect viruses and make specific shaped antibodies that stick to the virus and encourage other immune cells to attack and destroy. Our bodies make new antibodies during an infection with a virus or after vaccination, which uses a harmless form of a virus to train your immune system. Fold an antibody and celebrate your amazing body. We celebrated this learning by creating a model of what antibodies look like and what a virus looks like.  

We have been working hard over the past 3 weeks! We’ve been learning all about how to write a factual tour.  We decided to base it upon the water wastage in our school. Once we completed our independent piece of writing, we chose an adult and took them around the school, peering into classrooms, strolling through the playgrounds and sneaking into the dinner hall. In each location we identified where and how much water was being wasted. Towards the end of our tour we gave our special guest information on how to be mindful when using water to ensure it’s not being wasted!​  

On Thursday 3rd it was World Book Day! We had an incredible day, reading a range of books, exploring different characters and setting, whizzing through our two libraries and to top it all off we had a parade!

Super scientists! This week we explored how distance and sound interlink! We carried out an experiment where our teacher shook and shaker and we measured how loud or quiet we could hear the shaker. After each turn we took a certain amount of steps back. Some of us took 3 steps, others took 5 steps back. We then created a line graph displaying our results!