Y4 Summer 1

On Tuesday, Year 4 was extremely lucky enough to visit London Zoo! The whole experience was memorable but some parts that stood out were ‘The Butterfly Paradise’ and ‘In With the Monkeys’. The Butterfly Paradise was filled with an astonishing number of beautiful butterflies and it was magical to watch the children’s faces as some of the biggest butterflies fluttered by and even landed on people’s heads! Year 4 also enjoyed the ‘In With The Monkeys’ section where a troupe of inquisitive Black-capped Squirrel Monkeys roamed through the trees and scampered right up to the children as they walked by. To finish off this wondrous experience, children had the opportunity to watch a penguin feeding!  

Monday 23rd was Maths Day! The day started off with a Maths parade where all the children had the opportunity to showcase their costumes.  After the parade children were given a range of challenging, stimulating exciting Maths Investigations. 

Next, was all about real-time human graphs! As a class we brainstormed ideas and settled on ‘4W’s Favourite Ice-Cream’ and ‘4W’s Favourite Sports’. Once we created our tally chart, we then made a human graph representing our results!​ 

Mixing Digital Music

This half-term, using iPads and the GarageBand app, children will explore creating, layering and editing music digitally. Combining their learning from music (based on rhythm and tempo) with their editing skills from computing to create a soundscape linked to a specific stimulus. To begin with children practiced created and understanding different tempos. 


In this lesson, children described the simple functions of the basic parts of the digestive system in humans by explaining the functions of the different parts of the digestive system. They then looked at the process food takes through our digestive system. 

This week in English we have started learning and writing a newspaper report all about how sea creatures are endangered by plastic pollution. Have a look at the start of our newspaper reports and keep your eyes peeled in the coming weeks as we’ll be sharing more of our newspaper report.

This week in Spanish we were describing different parts of our house! Listen to our videos can you figure out what we're saying?
