Education Perfect

What is Education Perfect?

  • Curriculum-aligned lessons across 10 subject areas enable a personalised learning experience with immediate feedback catering to each student’s needs.

  • Rich data and insights across each learning area inform teaching practice and save countless hours of unnecessary marking and administration time.

  • Content is continually evolving through teacher feedback and sustained pedagogical research. Rationale, tasks and lessons are refined and informed by robust pedagogical frameworks including Marzano, Kendall, Hattie and Dweck.

Getting started

Visit the EP Help center to find out how to start assigning tasks and homeworks; reporting and assessment.

These videos offer you a good way to start:

Control Panel

Assess Students on Task & Homework Activity

Individual Student Data

Comparing Assessment Results

You can select and assign tasks for your students while browsing through your Content Library.

A mix of information, quizzes and extended responses

With our assessment builder, you can create your own custom tests to run online. This enables you to better streamline the marking process and even gives you the option to automatically mark work where suitable.

All the questions your students might ask.


A Quick Test is an assessment based on existing learning material (for example vocabulary lists or Smart Lessons) and contains a random selection of questions from the list(s) you select. Students will answer these questions under exam conditions; they will have a time limit and will not see the correct answers until marking is complete.

Assessment platform by subject-area








Want to leanr more?

You can access more tutorials here.

EP webinar library