

Make videos into lessons

ClickView enhances teaching and learning, delivering powerful pedagogical outcomes through technology and video. It contains thousands of curriculum-aligned videos for primary and secondary schools. Every video comes complete with rich supporting educational resources, such as lesson plans, activities and worksheets. Assess your students formatively and remotely by adding an interactive layer of inbuilt questions or problems to any ClickView video

There is a lot of value in recording your own videos to use as teachign resources. This video shows you how to upload videos into your workspace from the iOs app.

Any video on ClickView has the ability to be made Interactive, however, many videos will have pre-made Interactives that you can utilise rather than create your own from scratch. These can be edited or used as is. This tutorial will show you to identify which videos have pre-made Interactives.

This video will walk you through the process of creating your own interactive using any video on ClickView.

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