KAMAR - Daily admin and more

KAMAR is a Student Management System (SMS) for admin, student data maintenance and much more. For more information, please refer to the KAMAR section.

Taking roll

KAMAR Introduction.mkv

To begin, please click on the "KAMAR" logo on the desktop

  1. Enter KAMAR username (The same login code as the laptop) and KAMAR password (Set by you during the induction session).

  2. Once you log in, you can see the class you have today.

  3. You can use the arrow buttons at the top to navigate rolls for different days - The bold arrows jump forward or back to the current day, and the light arrows jump forward or back by 1 day.

  4. The class list will appear in red if you still need to submit a role from the previous day.

  5. Click the class roll you want to enter, and the class list will appear.

  6. Select the attendance tab (Present, Not in Class, Late to Class or Other) for each student.

    • By selecting "Other", there is a drop-down menu where you can further specify why the student is not in the class.

    • For more information on attendance codes, you can talk to your Whānau House leader or refer to this site.

  7. If you are unsure what the student looks like, click the avatar symbol on the left-hand side to bring up the student ID photo (This may not work for Year 9 at the beginning of the year as they have not taken the photo yet).

    • The avatar symbol on the left will give you all the information regarding the student.

    • If a student has a purple triangle symbol in front of the name, they may have learning or medical conditions. You may find more information by clicking on the symbol.

  8. For form teachers, you can click the "Form class" tab at the top to look for the attendance entry for the whole week, attendance statistics and so forth.

    • The "Form class" tab will allow you to alter students' attendance of the week on the fly. This is useful when the student hands you an absence note sometime this week. and you need to update their attendance on KAMAR.

  9. On the right-hand side of each student's name, you can enter the following:

    • Attendance Notes (The pen symbol)

    • Send a message to subject teachers, form teachers, Whānau House leader or Senior Manager regarding the student

    • New Pass, Pastoral or New Recognition

  10. You can also send emails to parents or caregivers regarding a student's absence.

  11. Once you have completed the roll, please press "Finished".

    • If you haven't completed or missed attendance for some students, KAMAR will present a pop-up message saying if you would like KAMAR to select "Present" for those students without an attendance status chosen. Please be mindful that errors could occur if the student wasn't actually in school.