Remote Teaching Resources

Manage notification

Manage notifications

Too many notifications from Google Classroom clogging up your email Inbox? Here you have a quick guide on how to customise your notifications.

Slide with the instructions here.

Centralised Repositories of Resources

CommonLit is a nonprofit education technology organization dedicated to ensuring that all students, especially students in Title I schools, graduate with the reading, writing, communication, and problem-solving skills they need to be successful in college and beyond.

Checking for understanding

Part of the Spiral suit. Good to use together with Zoom.

Transform your existing presentations into interactive ones.

A simple example of how to use Googe Forms to gather feedback from student learning.

Screencasting and EdPuzzle

Formative Assessment in Distance Learning

A simple guide for teachers find ways to see what students are learning

What worked for me

What worked for me...

After trying different formats, this is what I settled for...

Content Sharing

Content interactivity






Flipped Classroom

Hyperdoc Assignment

Class Dojo

Class Google Site

Using Peardeck for remote learning

Connecting with Students



We strongly recommend you use Zoom following the school Protocols

Quick strategies

PDF to Fillable Form.mp4

Transform a PDF into a form

Making PDF documents digitally fillable

Keeping record of attendance with mini-assignments.mp4

Tracking attendance

Using mini-assignments/questions to track attendance

Teaching with Sites.mp4

Teaching with Google sites

Using Google Sites as a repository of tutorials or activities

Tracking attendance 2

Using a QR code on the screen