LPS Test Security Guidelines 

Ensuring test security and data integrity for administration of all Missouri statewide assessments begins with understanding the importance of the valid information provided by measurement of student achievement. The primary goals of test security are to protect the integrity of the assessment and ensure results are accurate and meaningful. Liberty Public Schools uses assessment results for a variety of purposes, including planning instruction. Critical to the validity of any use of data, is the integrity of the procedures followed by school personnel in all aspects of assessment administration – before, during and after testing. Standardized security practices and procedures help to serve students, teachers and district administration when test results are used at the student, building, district and state levels.

All school personnel involved in test administration must understand the purpose of assessment, as well as the range of decisions made by Liberty Public schools that rest on test results. This understanding is a prerequisite to school personnel valuing test security policies and procedures. For administrations of assessments, the following guidelines should be followed to aid in the prevention of testing irregularities at the LEA level.

Liberty Public Schools outlines the district policies and procedures in reference to protecting the integrity of the testing process and the results. All staff associated with the assessment process are responsible for understanding and implementing the security measures. Upon the conclusion of training, staff agree to the terms and conditions laid out in the agreement in case of a state quality assurance visit. Liberty Public Schools Test Integrity and Security information can be found in the LPS Board of Education Policies found below:

LPS Test Integrity and Security - Policy ILA
While the student testing experience is standardized throughout the state, each LEA must make decisions on testing policies and procedures. Policies are the guiding principles used to set direction for those involved with the assessment process. Procedures are the concrete steps to be followed to accomplish the end goal.

District Procedures - the district will follow procedures set forth by the state in regards to test security.

Before Testing
Prevention of most issues happens before testing ever occurs. All test examiners need to follow the guidelines, policies and procedures found in the testing manuals and the local ones discussed during training. 

During Testing
For security purposes, physical test materials must continue to be held securely and only be distributed to test examiners only on the day of testing. Follow the school procedure for checking test materials in and out. Anyone handling physical materials should be aware of the check-in and check-out procedure. 

After Testing
After testing is complete, examiners should collect all draft, scratch, grid, and graph paper. Examiners should not review student work on these materials. These items should be given to the Test Coordinator for secure shredding. Destruction of these materials should happen as soon as possible after testing. 

The reporting of quality assurance issues is a vital piece in ensuring test security and data integrity of assessment administration. It is the responsibility of everyone involved in the assessment process to understand the security measures in place, to avoid any intentional or unintentional unethical behavior by students or staff members. Administrators and Test Examiners are responsible for reporting any of these behaviors to district administration and to DESE Assessment. Issues are reported to DESE through various means. When reporting, student information should not be shared. The most common reporting types are:

Once a testing concern is reported, DESE Assessment writes up a general summary of the issue. This summary does not include any specific details, as to not lead the district investigation. Under most circumstances, DESE will contact the Superintendent of the LEA to disclose the issue reported, and have them start an investigation into the allegation. The Superintendent is informed of the possible testing concern, then walked through the QA process and provided a copy of the DESE summary. The District Test Coordinator (DTC) is also a part of this communication. Districts then begin their investigation. If the Superintendent is named as part of the allegation, then an independent investigator will be brought in to conduct the investigation.

Sanctions Against Improper or Unethical Practices
The security measures outlined in this document should help prevent improper or unethical practices. Improper and unethical practices include, but are not limited to:

All district staff are required to immediately report to the School Test Coordinator any suspicion test practices. An immediate investigation will occur if a district staff person is suspected of engaging in any improper or unethical practice. If the allegations against the staff person are proven, a report will be forwarded to the superintendent, and appropriate disciplinary action will be taken, including and up to termination. The district will conduct an investigation of any student suspected of engaging in any improper or unethical practice. If allegations are proven, the student will be disciplined in accordance with district policy. Administrators and test examiners are responsible for reporting any improper or unethical behaviors to DESE's Assessment Section.