Liberty Public Schools
Analysis and Use of Assessment Results

Liberty Public Schools Analysis and Use of Assessment Results
Assessment results are analyzed in a comprehensive manner, integrating multiple assessments in order to make inferences and draw conclusions regarding student achievement. While it is important that analysis of assessment data helps our district to see how students are performing, it is even more critical that results are translated into action plans.  In order to ensure effective data analysis and action planning, the district uses the Data Team process and online analytics tools on the districts achievement analysis website Panorama Student Success to analyze large-scale and classroom assessment data and plan for improvement.

District - Large Scale Assessment Provisions for Special Populations
Modification of the standardized testing procedures is allowable under the conditions specified in the 1989 Assessment Standards for students with an Individualized Education Program (IEP), English Language Learner (ELL) students, or students with a Section 504 . Under certain circumstances, students with an IEP and ELL students may be exempted from certain testing. Accommodation and exemption procedures follow those currently outlined by the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education.

District - Professional Development Related to Assessment
There are several means through which teachers receive professional development related to assessment.  Professional development is offered on test data use and classroom assessment practices as part of every new teacher's induction process.  In addition, an endorsement is offered that focuses on assessment for which teachers Data Team training at the building level. Liberty Public Schools also employs innovation coaches who work with teachers to develop their assessment and data teams skills. Finally, prior to MAP testing each year, teachers attend training on test proctoring practices and ethics.

LPS Panorama Student Success, educators and administrators can monitor their most important indicators of success to know what's working for every student. LPS Staff using Panorama identify individual students' needs and explore students' profiles to see clear indicators of whether they are on track for graduation, college, and career readiness or are at risk.

LPS staff use social-emotional learning (SEL) data in Student Success to see students' strengths and opportunities for growth in SEL topics like Growth Mindset, Social Awareness, Self-Management, and more

LPS staff use student data to close gaps between student groups, monitor groups of students by combining multiple attributes from across your data systems to track the progress of these groups over time.