LPS Assessment Descriptions

Descriptive list of all district wide LPS Assessments 

that are used toward student improvement. 

A variety of classroom assessments ranging from multiple-choice tests, performance events are administered to assess students’ performance on the district curriculum. Some of these assessments are developed within district content teams. These are used as part of the professional learning communities model, and the primary purpose is to improve instruction and ensure that students are meeting standards. Teachers use results to determine if students are meeting key learning objectives.

Kindergarten entry assessment (KEA) is a one-time assessment designed to measure a child's skills and behaviors within the first few weeks of entering kindergarten. Using KEA data can help inform teachers and leaders of the number of children who are ready for school overall, as well as support instruction by meeting students where they are when they enter kindergarten. 

MAP Growth, part of the Growth Activation Solution from NWEA. MAP Growth provides teachers in Algebra 1 with accurate, actionable evidence to help inform instructional strategies regardless of how far students are above or below grade level. It also connects to the largest set of instructional content providers, giving educators flexibility in curriculum choices. 

i-Ready is an Adaptive assessment to provide a deep, customized evaluation of every student and to track student growth and performance consistently and continuously over a student’s entire K–12 career. 

Program provides a model for fitness education within a comprehensive, quality physical education program. The program provides resources and tools for physical educators to enhance their fitness education process. The programs assessment is given to students in grades 5, 7, and 9. The assessment results can give to educators and students instructional strategies to promote student physical activity and fitness as well as the communication tools to help physical educators increase awareness about their work in the classroom.

NNAT3 improves on the most trusted name in general ability testing with new content and normative data, tablet administration options, and a new online interface. NNAT3 is specifically developed for use by a variety of education professionals. The NNAT is a nonverbal test used for K-12 students. It is a group-administered aptitude test. The NNAT utilizes shapes and figures to evaluate the problem-solving and reasoning abilities of a child without relying on their language skills. In other words, the NNAT assesses how a student thinks instead of what a student knows.

The PSAT and SAT measure verbal and mathematical reasoning skills students have developed over time and skills they need to be successful academically. The PSAT is a standardized test that provides firsthand practice for the SAT.  SAT can be used as one indicator of a student's readiness to do college- level work. SAT scores are compared with the scores of other applicants, and the accepted scores at an institution, and can be used as a basis for awarding merit-based financial aid. 

With Panorama, you can measure students’ and teachers’ perceptions of SEL, explore your results with interactive reports, and provide educators with actionable strategies to build students’ SEL skills. Understand each student's SEL skills Engage in data-based decision-making around SEL supports Identify individual student strengths and analyze results by grade level or classroom. Filter your results to group students for differentiated interventions and supports.

The WIDA is the English language proficiency assessment that the Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary education has selected to meet the requirement of No Child Left Behind to annually assess Missouri's students who are eligible for ELL (English Language Learner) services. DESE uses the ACCESS to determine if districts have met NCLB's Annual Measurable Achievement Objectives (AMAOs). 

The Missouri Assessment Program (MAP) is a statewide assessment that has been developed to assess the degree to which students are proficient in the knowledge, skills, and competencies represented in the Missouri Learning Standards. District accreditation is partially based on MAP scores. MAP scores receive the most public attention because of their use in determining Annual Percentage Ratings (APR) in MSIP5 for DESE Accountability purposes. 

The MAP-Alternate Assessment (MAP-A) is designed to promote enhanced capacities and integrated life opportunities and is administered only to students with the most significant cognitive disabilities who meet grade level and eligibility criteria. The student’s Individualized Education Program (IEP) team using DESE-established eligibility criteria determines student eligibility.


The MAP End-of-Course Exams are statewide assessments for key required high school courses including Algebra I, Biology, English II, and Government. LPS also administers optional End-of-Course Exams in Algebra II, English I, and Geometry. These assessments have been developed to assess the degree to which students are proficient in the knowledge, skills, and competencies represented in Missouri’s Course Level Expectations (CLEs). 

ACT provides information to assist students in making decisions about next level of learning and career interests. LPS offers PreACT exams and one official ACT test during a students high school career. Achievement data and students' interests, needs, plans, and selected background characteristics are assessed using norm-referenced measures. The ACT serves as a college entrance exam. 

Liberty Public Schools offers a variety of Advanced Placement courses to challenge students and to allow students the opportunity to earn college credit for their high school studies. Each student who enrolls in an advanced placement course is encouraged to take the AP exam for that course to demonstrate their ability to do college-level work. 

The Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB) is a multi- aptitude test battery that is designed to measure student aptitudes. Scores are to be used for identifying students’ aptitudes for career and vocational purposes. 

ACCUPLACER is a series of tests that evaluate students’ skills in reading, writing, and math to help college administrators place them in courses that match their skills.