LPS Assessments offer Universal Tools and Accommodations to enable students to effectively demonstrate their mastery of the Missouri Learning Standards. Universal Tools are support mechanisms that maintain the integrity of the test construct while potentially enhancing students' ability to showcase their knowledge. These tools are accessible to all students participating in an assessment, unless explicitly stated otherwise in the tool's description. Accommodations, on the other hand, are specialized supports designed to assist students with specific needs in better demonstrating their knowledge. To be implemented, accommodations must be formally documented in a student's Individualized Education Program (IEP) or 504 Plan.

The selection of appropriate Universal Tools and Accommodations should be based on students' classroom experiences. These supports should align with those regularly used during instruction to ensure familiarity. Discrepancies between assessment supports and classroom practices may lead to difficulties during testing and potentially impact student performance negatively.

In regards to DESE State Testing, building must verify and configure Universal Tools and Accommodations for students. It is recommended that these settings be established at least 48 hours before testing commences. Please note that the selection of certain Universal Tools and Accommodations may alter student login information. Consequently, any test tickets printed prior to finalizing these selections should be discarded. For Grade-Level Assessments, only specific Universal Tools and Accommodations appear on student test tickets, including Braille, Large Print, Paper/Pencil, Translation, Closed Captioning, Sign Language, and Read Aloud.

To facilitate efficient test administration, DESE recommends utilizing the Student Tools/Accommodations Tracking Form (or an equivalent district-specific document). This form provides Test Examiners with readily accessible information regarding each student's designated Universal Tools and Accommodations. Additional notations may be necessary to indicate session-specific usage for certain supports.

Liberty Public Schools (LPS) believes all students can learn and should have the opportunity to be fairly and thoroughly assessed to measure the depth and degree of their learning. LPS is accountable for the assessment of all students enrolled in the district including those receiving special education services, regardless of disability type or severity. It is the district's intent that all students be assessed on their academic achievement to the fullest extent of their ability. All individualized testing accommodations will be specified in the student's IEP/504/Support Plan and carried out in accordance with the determined needs of the student. All students will participate in either the MAP assessments designed for specific content areas or the MAP-Alternate Assessment. Modifications to the current achievement test or classroom material will be based upon the perceived needs of the students represented through their IEP/504. Whenever possible, the DESE guidelines for accommodations on the MAP will be followed and applied to support students with disabilities taking District-wide standardized achievement or other standardized ability tests.

The assessment program in LPS is designed to account for the progress of all students and to be in compliance with all state and federal laws.

Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 sets the foundation for including students with disabilities in state assessments by prohibiting their exclusion from and discrimination against federally-assisted programs or activities.

Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) (Public Law 105-17) provides federal funds to assist states and schools in making a free and appropriate education available to all students identified as having a disability. This act provides clear direction for including students with disabilities in state assessment programs as well as district-wide assessment programs.

In order to comply with federal laws and state mandates, LPS has developed the following guidelines for including students with special needs into the state assessment program and district-wide assessment program:

The District-wide assessment program is defined as assessments that are administered district-wide to a particular group of students (i.e. all 2nd grade students, all students enrolled in 6th grade reading classes, all kindergarten students, etc.). Accommodations for voluntary assessments such as ACT, Advanced Placement, PSAT, and etc., are subject to the testing vendor's discretion. See your Building Test Coordinator for receiving accommodations.