News & Announcements

AP Exam Registration

The AP exam registration deadline ends on March 7th, 2025 at 12:00pm. Exams remain optional for students.

Any student that registers to take the exam prior to March 7th will incur a $40 late fee per exam. 

LMHS AP Exam Registration 2024-25 (1).docx

The EASTERN formal registration process has officially begun!

Registration Window: January 21, 2025— March 14th, 2025

The registration process is TWO-FOLD and requires:


1: The online Registration Form: (link below) is created and hosted by the EASTERN Center for Arts and Technology. Students must use their full legal name and indicate their first and second program choices. You will not have heavier consideration for your first choice program if you list it two times, AND you will not be considered for a second program if you do not list one in your initial registration. 


2. CareerScope Interest Inventory: a program hosted by the EASTERN Center for Arts and Technology that is made available to our EASTERN registrants. Once your registration form has been submitted, you will receive a link via your LMTSD email to access the Career Scope (24-48 hours later), and you will be guided to complete its two (2) required sections


Things to know and consider moving forward:


~Registration closed March 14th, 2025

~Registration is not complete until both the registration form and the CareerScope (two parts) are complete,

~Registration does not guarantee placement within one of EASTERN's programs. 

~Due to the highly competitive nature of ALL EASTERN programs, placement into one of EASTERN's programs is taken very seriously and with heavy consideration across local home districts and the EASTERN Center for Arts and Technology's enrollment committee. Since program curricula are strenuous and programmed to mirror strict industry standards, students must adhere to strict standards of consistent attendance, conduct, and grade-level performance. 

~Placement within an ECAT program is reviewed and considerations are made based on availability for placement across the various 6+ attending school districts in mind. 

~Final placement determinations are made by EASTERN Center for Arts and Technology from March—April.

~Final placement notifications are released to local home districts by the start of May. 

9th - 11th Grade Families: College Readiness & Programming Night

To sign up, please complete this Google Form.

LMHS Military Day

On Tuesday, November 19th, enlistment representatives from various Military branches will be visiting LMHS' lunches from 9:50 am to 12:00 pm in the cafeteria.

Students will have the opportunity to talk with representatives and gather programming information about their enrollments’ roles and responsibilities, details about their specific branch of the military, and their enrollment process. 

Back-to-School Important Links 

Please reach out to your school counselor with any questions or thoughts regarding the information below.

Important Updates

Seniors: If you are applying to a college with Early Action or Early Decision deadline  - please review the college's and LMHS' procedures well in advance of the deadline. 

Failure to follow the procedures in a timely manner means that the counseling department cannot guarantee that your paperwork will be processed in time to meet your deadlines.  The counselors need time to process the paperwork that they submit on your behalf. 

Important Dates & Timelines

Friday, September 13th - 12th Grade: Senior Mentor Interview Day

September-November - 12th Grade: College Visits

Wednesday, October 16th - 9th through 11th Grade: PSAT / NMSQT 

November 19th - 9th through 12th Grade: Military Visit Day

November 26th - 9th through 11th Grade Families: College Readiness & Programming Night

December 2024 - 11th Grade: Junior Seminars 

January - February 2025 - 11th Grade: 1:1 Junior Conferences 

Rolling - SATs Registration  

Spring 2025 - 9th & 10th Grade: Naviance/Chapter 339 Lessons in Forum

March 2025 - 9th through 11th Grade: Career Day

May 2025 - 11th Grade: Graduation Project Part A / Summer College Checklist