High School Counseling

Lower Moreland High School Counseling 

Dear Lower Moreland High School Families, 

Our counseling team is honored to work with our students in all aspects of their academic, social, and college/career development. We have a comprehensive counseling program that follows the philosophy of the ASCA National Model. We are here to offer academic, college, and career advising as well as support our students in all social/emotional aspects of their high school journey. We also serve in crisis response. We encourage you to review the range of resources we have on this site and to participate in as many of our events as you are able. 

Thank you for partnering with us!

2024 - 2025 School Counselor Caseloads

Mrs. Jennifer Romano       Ms. Maura Quinn       Mr. Kyle Lutteroty

Grade 9: A - Har         Grade 9: Has - Maz     Grade 9: Mc - Z

Grade 10: A - Ge         Grade 10: Gh - Po       Grade 10:  Pr- Z

Grade 11: A - Hi                     Grade 11:  Ho - Op           Grade 11: P - Z

Grade 12: A - Gi       Grade 12:  Gio - Oq       Grade 12: Or - Z

Mrs. Lindsey McFalls - School Based / College Counselor

Ms. Mary Kochaba - Student Support Counselor / SAP Coordinator

Mrs. Robyn Sadowski - Administrative Assistant   

Office Hours: 7:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. 

Office Phone: 215-938-0114 

Lower Moreland High School Academic Information

Final School Profile 23-24.pdf