Red Flags and How to Help
Red Flags that a Student is Struggling?
This can mean they are overworked, anxious, depressed, struggling with relationships, or may other things. Some key signs to look out for in yourself, your friends, or your child.
• Not sleeping enough - Students often stay up until 1am doing homework and watching videos – this is not sustainable. Teenage brains need sleep. Sleep helps with focus, memory, concentration, and anxiety. Occasionally it is normal for a student to stay up late and scramble to study, but it cannot be a habit. This will lead to worse consequences over time. Sleep can be a vicious cycle – less sleep makes it harder to deal with the daily pressures of life and anxiety, but anxiety, stress, and depression can cause insomnia.
• Somatic symptoms – Watch for too many headaches, stomach aches, etc. Of course some of these are normal, but if your student is having a stomach ache every day before school, or a headache several times a week, this can be a sign of stress. Stress affects the body and can weaken the immune system. This can also lead to more colds and more missed school, too.
• Change in temperament – Are you suddenly angry and/or aggressive? This can be normal hormonal changes, but it can also be a sign of being stressed and overworked. Stress and anxiety can lead to irritability and a loss in control of emotions.
• Lying about grades – Is your student saying everything is okay and then bringing home a D or an F? Teens may be overwhelmed and give up, but don’t want to admit it or face reality. Talk to your teenager calmly and factually about the grades you're seeing, and maybe discuss what changes can be made.
• Sudden weight loss or gain – Overeating or loss of appetite can both be signs of stress and/or anxiety, among other concerns. They can both be a way of coping and can soothe the teenage mind. Both can be normal for short periods of time, but any sustained change in eating habits and/or weight can be a sign of a deeper problem.
• Isolation – Is your student not hanging out with friends anymore? Did they suddenly quit a sport or club they loved? These could be signs your teen is overworked and stressed as well, and may need to cut back on something they don’t enjoy as much. It’s so important that kids have time to relax and do things that make them happy in order to maintain overall health and wellness.
• Negative self-talk – Is your student saying things like “it doesn’t matter anyway”, “everyone hates me”, “I’ll never be good enough”, etc? This is normal sometimes, but too much negative self-talk can be a sign of stress and a loss of self-esteem.