Stress Management

Finding a Work/Life Balance

Coping with high-performing school

Goals and what it will take to achieve them

• What does it take to achieve your goals? Keep that in mind. If your goal is Med school – volunteer at a hospital and take anatomy. Law school? Participate in Debate and Mock Trial. Education? Volunteer or work at a daycare and tutor on your days off. 

• If your goal is a good state school such as Penn State or Maryland, do you need to take 8 AP courses? Alternatively, is your goal a Penn or other Ivy-type school? Research their expectations for language requirements, GPA and test scores, etc.  

• Don’t do things just to “put it on a resume”, admission reps will see through it. Pursue activities and classes you are interested in. You will do better, you enthusiasm will shine through, and you will get a better idea of what you really want to do in the future.

Social Media

•  Colleges will check! Last year Harvard rescinded offers for 10 students, and they are not alone. Inappropriate or offensive comments, likes, posts, etc. can come back and haunt you.

• Depression and social media. There is no question that stress and anxiety are linked with social media use. Students see others in a Utopian world. Please remember that people only post what they want others to see, so the image you are seeing is a perfect image of what people want. It’s never reality.

• Social media can be good, but it’s good to take a break. There is no reason to check your SnapChat and Instagram 100 times a day. It’ll all be there next time you look. 

• Put it away when it’s time for homework. If you are checking your Instagram instead of doing your homework, that 20 minute paper just turned into a 45 minute paper.

• TURN IT OFF BEFORE BED. The light is bad enough, but it’s also addictive. It’s easy to scroll for 30 minutes, but that’s 30 minutes of sleep you could have had.

Links and other helpful resources for managing stress:

Managing Stress:

Creating a Personal Stress Management Plan: