No; as long as a student is/was enrolled at the time of transfer or at the end of the school year and enrolls in your Lea at the beginning of the year there is no need for screening. The student is deemed eligible by virtue of his screening in the other state and should begin receiving services immediately.

If the home language survey indicates the influence of a language other than English, the student must be screened. Request the student’s original home language survey from their prior school.

Do not re-screen the student. The student should be considered an “M” for the four consecutive calendar years requirement. Remember that during the monitoring. If the student is struggling, then other appropriate instructional support, including RTI, should be implemented. If those additional instructional supports do not resolve the issue, the RTI committee should review the documentation if appropriate, and Implement more intensive interventions.

The student should not be screened if there is documentation to support the fact that the student was previously served in ML Program, exited, and the monitoring period has ended.

Yes. Both programs should dually serve MLs who have been identified as eligible for special education services. See the Appendix section “Procedures for MLs who also have disabilities.

Students who are M’s will now need a parent notification letter sent home. In addition, all M1 students, those who have just exited, must have a Notification of Exit Letter sent home with ACCESS scores and a copy placed in their cumulative folder.

No, any student coded as an 8 does not need any documentation in Ellevation.

 No, any student coded as M or 8 should go through the RTI process if they are found to need additional academic support in the classroom.

 No. We must go by the original HLS. However, if a parent indicates an error on the HLS, please follow the procedures to amend the HLS.

Check student's records for screener or ACCESS score reports, and exit letters that may indicate the student is or was part of the ML Program. This will determine if the student will need to be screened, or added to the MLPS' caseload. Proper reporting to the MLPC is required to co