interpretation & Translation

The Office of Civil Rights (OCR) requires that translation and interpretation services are the obligation of the entire local educational agency (LEA) and do not solely fall under Title III. LEAs are responsible for effectively communicating with families who may require translation or interpretation services. To assist LEAs in determining communication languages for families, the newly implemented Enrollment Survey (ES) has a section that will be completed annually by families to determine their preferred oral and written communication language(s). This portion of the ES is not used to determine if students are eligible for MLP services. 

Each LEA must have a written translation and interpretation plan in place and it is posted on the district’s website to ensure it is easily accessible to all staff and families. Districts should review and consider OCR requirements and federal guidance (e.g., Chapter 10 of the EL Toolkit) regarding translation and interpretation services when developing a written plan. All staff members in each district should be trained on district translation and interpretation procedures and services. Consider providing additional training specific for front office staff and those who will be utilizing translation and interpretation services more often. 

Considerations include, but are not limited to: 

• The LEA determines the qualifications to ensure translators and interpreters are qualified. Interpreters and translators must have knowledge in both languages of any specialized terms or concepts and be trained on the role of an interpreter and translator, the ethics of interpreting and translating, and the need to maintain confidentiality. 

• Students may not act as translators or interpreters. 

• LEAs determine a way to track translation and interpretation requests as documentation, specifically for LEAs that are not contracted with a vendor for these services. 

• Procedures must be in place indicating how parents/guardians, who may be MLs themselves, will be notified of school activities that are called to the attention of other parents/guardians (e.g., student progress reports, school schedules, extracurricular activities, special meetings, ceremonies, events, etc.). 

• District webpages and documents should be translated into applicable languages within the LEA. If applicable, a warning that automated translations may be inaccurate should be posted on the district website. 

• All guidance from the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) and the Office of Special Education Services (OSES) must be followed in reference to translation and interpretation services for students with disabilities and individualized education programs (IEPs). 

Visit the SCDE ESEA, Title III Multilingual Learner and Immigrant Children and Youth Program webpage for additional translation and interpretation information, certification programs, potential vendors, and scenarios. 

In addition to informing parents/guardians of their child's LEP status and ML Program, Federal Law requires that schools communicate with parents in the language that they can understand on other issues as well. These include:

At a parent conference, for example, if the parent does not understand English the school is obligated to provide an interpreter.  A district interpreter is available by advance to request by contacting the school's designated contact person (usually the MLPS).

DSS LID Flyer_v4_Lancaster.pdf

We are equipped to assist all families, independent of the language they speak. Please contact Mr. Raul Garcia Mora for immediate assistance with Spanish-speaking families. If he is not available, please contact Choice Translating.

Meeting requests must be submitted two weeks prior to the meeting date. If the meeting date and time requested are unavailable, the meeting must be rescheduled. Documents submitted for translation will be processed in the order received, and the typical turnaround time is within 20 days. Please know that the turnaround time may vary due to availability, the complexity of the document, and length.

NOTE: Dr. Marino, Student Services Director, has checked and confirmed that special education specialists/professionals may use IntoLanguages Global to assist with interpretation when administering screeners/evaluations to students who may require a screener/evaluation in their native language. Please contact your Student Services SPED team lead for further assistance. 

For ASL Interpretation Services, please complete the ASL Interpretation Request Form

Google Translate may be used for school flyers and websites, classroom newsletters, PTO documents, events, volunteer opportunities, etc. Remember to include the following statement in both English and the language selected for each of the documents translated using this platform.

"This translation was provided to you via Google Translate. While LCSD cannot control the quality or accuracy of translated content powered by the Google™ Translate Service, we are very dedicated to serving all families and providing information promptly. The Google Translate feature is provided for informational purposes only. Translations cannot be guaranteed as exact or without the inclusion of incorrect or inappropriate language. Please contact your child’s school if you have any questions or need further assistance with the information you received. LCSD is always available for parents who need immediate assistance in any language through contracted language vendors."

NOTE: Translation services cannot be purchased using Title III funds. Using students as interpreters or online software such as Google Translate is NEVER an acceptable method of official School translation!

DO NOT use the language vendors to screen students. Please contact your  Student Services team lead for further assistance.

Communicating with multilingual parents who are not proficient in English can be a challenging task. Here is a resource to help the MLPS, classroom teachers, staff, and administrators connect with families in a language they understand: