Science Core Classes

SC10112 CONCEPTUAL PHYSICS   🕜                                                             

YEAR    CREDIT 1.0         

No Fee 

Satisfies one of the following:   1.0 Physics requirement

Grades: 9

Prerequisites: none

◆ This required 9th grade physics course follows the New Mexico STEM Ready Standards (NGSS), which includes physics and Earth Science topics.  The course focuses on understanding these topics conceptually through experimentation and inquiry.  Numerous lab activities will allow students to investigate concepts that relate directly to their own experiences.  Basic algebra will be used throughout the course to extend students’ abilities, to develop critical thinking skills, and to reinforce basic algebra skills learned in math class.  Topics include motion, forces, energy, wave properties, light, basic astronomy, thermal energy, plate tectonics, and structure of the Earth . (1731)

SC12222 HONORS PHYSICS 🕜🕜                                            

YEAR      CREDIT   1.0        

No Fee 

Satisfies one of the following:   1.0 Physics requirement, 1.0 Honors requirement

Grades: 9 

Prerequisites: Enrollment in Algebra 2 or Geometry with waiver, no lower than a B in both semesters of eighth grade science and math, and a recommendation by the current science teacher.

Ninth-graders with strong algebra and problem-solving skills may take this honors course as an alternative to Conceptual Physics. The course covers all Conceptual Physics topics with a deeper focus on mathematical models as well as mechanical waves and sound, and geometric optics. Numerous lab activities will allow students to analyze topics in detail. Critical thinking, problem solving, and practical applications of mathematics will be further developed. Homework load in this class is significantly more than in the Conceptual Physics class - often an hour or more per block. (1733)

SC20512 CHEMISTRY    🕜                                                                                  

YEAR    CREDIT  1.0        

No Fee 

Satisfies one of the following:   1.0 Chemistry requirement

Grades: 10

Prerequisites: Physics course and Algebra I or concurrent enrollment  

◆ This required 10th grade chemistry course follows the New Mexico STEM Ready Standards (NGSS), which includes chemistry and Earth Science topics.  The course emphasizes problem solving and critical thinking skills as principles of chemistry are developed and used to enable students to analyze current issues in science and technology.  Hands-on laboratory experiences are used to reinforce chemical concepts.  (1721)

SC20622 HONORS CHEMISTRY 🕜🕜 ☀️                                       

YEAR     CREDIT  1.0         

No Fee 

Satisfies one of the following:   1.0 Chemistry requirement, 1.0 Honors requirement

Grades: 10

Prerequisites: Geometry or concurrent enrollment, a minimum grade of “A” in Conceptual Physics, or a “B” in Honors Physics.   A summer assignment is required.  

◆ This is a rigorous course for those wishing to pursue careers in science or engineering. Advanced topics include thermodynamics, acids and bases, equilibrium, and kinetics. Extensive laboratory experiences are used to reinforce chemical concepts. The amount of assigned homework will be substantially higher than that required for the corresponding general course. Leveling down to regular chemistry will require approval of both chemistry instructors. (1723)

SC30812 BIOLOGY  🕜                                                                                    

YEAR     CREDIT  1.0         

No Fee 

Satisfies one of the following:   1.0 Biology requirement

Grades: 11-12

Prerequisites:  Completion of Chemistry or concurrent enrollment . 

◆ This required 11th grade course follows the New Mexico STEM Ready Standards (NGSS) which includes Life Science and Earth Science topics. Course work emphasizes biochemistry, cellular biology, population ecology, genetics, evolution, diversity, ecological relationships and uses of biological technologies in society.  Topics are taught through story lines using real data case studies and labs.  Activities are designed to acquaint students with processes of science, such as experimental design and data.   (1711)

SC30922 HONORS BIOLOGY 🕜🕜                                                                    

YEAR    CREDIT  1.0        

No Fee 

Satisfies one of the following:   1.0 Biology requirement, 1.0 Honors requirement

Grades: 11-12

Prerequisites: Minimum grade of "B" in Honors Chemistry or Chemistry or recommendation of current science teacher.   

This is a challenging course for serious science students. Course work emphasizes evolution, diversity, genetics, ecological relationships, and cellular biochemistry, and uses of biological technologies in society. The textbook is story-based and students will be required to do a lot of reading. Activities are designed to acquaint students with processes of science, such as experimental design and data interpretations. This course concentrates on critical thinking skills, problem solving, and extensive inquiry-based laboratory work. A substantial amount of homework is required. (1712) 

SC31032 AP BIOLOGY 🕜🕜🕜 ☀️                                                                               

YEAR     CREDIT  1.0         

Fee: $25 (plus $97 Exam Fee)

Satisfies one of the following:   1.0 Biology requirement, 1.0 elective, 1.0 Advanced Placement requirement

Grades: 11-12

Prerequisites:  Minimum grade of "B" in Honors Chemistry or Chemistry or recommendation of current science teacher. A summer assignment is required. 

◆ This is a college-level introductory course. It is taught as a second year biology course, however the intensive summer assignment provides the background knowledge necessary for self-motivated first year biology students.  Course content follows the curriculum required  by the College Board. Topics include molecules and cells, heredity and evolution, and organisms and populations.  Extensive homework, note-taking from text, laboratory work, and outside readings are required.  Students who don’t complete the summer assignment will be dropped during the first week of school.  A more than substantial amount of homework is required for this class. A mandatory meeting will be held in the spring for interested students to review course requirements.   Students are required to pay for and take the AP Exam in the spring in order to earn a weighted grade. (1715)