Natalia Malianokeali‘iwahineaukai
Ah Loy

Plans after high school:

I will be attending BYU Hawaiʻi for a year and then serve a full-time mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.

Intended interest area of study?

Undecided, but leaning towards Pre-Medical.

Favorite moment from high school?

Just getting lost in the hustle and bustle of the every day; every day was different, every day new, and every day was a good day. You know, getting lost in all of the stressful moments but also in all of those small moments of happiness that you feel throughout the school day; seeing your friends at breakfast, a teacher forgetting to collect homework, peanut butter & jelly sandwiches at lunch, getting extra clothes for PE from your classmates, doing sports, and even the long bus rides home to Waimea. Looking back at it, I firstly just think of all of the good times and I see how every day was good, and I try to only think the good times because theyʻre what got me through the hard times (and I didnʻt even realize it until, like, now).

Most influential adult throughout my K-12 journey:

Shoutout to my parents! For all that, they have done for me and continue to do for me and my siblings! They are truly two of the most amazing, hardworking, hip, annoying, and understanding people I know. Trust me, theyʻre not perfect and I am surely far from it, but they know that and continue to love me anyway; I think thatʻs why weʻre so close. My parents are living proof to me that no matter how bad you mess up, and trust me I have messed up pretty bad a couple times, but no matter how bad, they will always be there for me and will always love me. My parents are my heroes and my best friends. Honestly, if I didnʻt have them, Iʻd be nothing. So, shoutout to my day one homies! I love you both but please donʻt cry if you read this:)

What are you most looking forward to?

I am looking forward to seeing the world, meeting new people, and just experiencing and learning new things. I have been blessed to travel to three different countries with our school and I am just so grateful for those experiences because those travels have taught me so much about the world, other cultures and perspectives, my place in the world, and even things about myself that I never knew before. So, I look forward to more adventures and making new friends, and learning from both of those things.