Kyla-Marie Kahulamakamaeokalani

Honors Diploma
Academy Endorsement - Visual Arts, Humanities Academy
Pauahi Foundation Academic Scholarship - Kamehameha Schools Hawai'i - Parent Teacher Organization Scholarship

Plans after high school:

University of Hawaiʻi Hilo

Intended interest area of study?

English (Creative Writing), Anthropology (Art History), Hawaiian Studies

Favorite moment from high school?

My favorite moment from my high school career has to probably be from this year, as I got the go from Kumu Lehua to rearrange my classes and do my internship during school hours because I had almost all of my credits that I needed in order to graduate by the end of the first semester. It was a great feeling and truly an honor to be given the go for that pilot project, as hopefully someone can go on to do that same thing that I did.

Most influential adult throughout my K-12 journey:

The most influential adults throughout my K-12 journey are my parents, Lyndon and Dawn-Marie Turner, because, though we have had our ups and downs, they have reminded me and kept me grounded and taught me everything about life that they possibly could. They push me to be the best person I can be, not just for the sake of myself, but for the betterment of the people and our community. Also, some of the most inspirational people that I will always look up to is my great-grandfather, 1st Lt. John Kuʻulei Kauhaihao, my uncle Lorrin Thompson, and my cousin Camille Kuʻulei Kauhaihao. These three people and their legacies inspire me every single day, to just be the best people and can be and to be kind, because through even the simplest of actions, it says the biggest and clearest words a person may hear in their lifetime.

What are you most looking forward to?

I am most looking forward to college and learning more about our people and just continuing my education. I am also looking forward to how my classmates will go out into the world and do all of the amazing things that they were meant to do. My classmates, and I mean every single one of them, are amazing and brilliant people in their own rights and ways. I could not say this enough. I am proud of every single one of them, and I couldn't have wished to be apart of a better class than that of the Hīhīmanu a Kāne class of 2020.