Haydin Kaleookalani

Plans after high school:

Aims Community College Denver Colorado

Intended interest area of study?

Aviation Mechanic

Favorite moment from high school?

Becoming friends with Reginald Botelho, Braedon Luta, Kamau Maka’ike, and Luke Kaniho. With out them I would not have made it through high school.

Most influential adult throughout my K-12 journey:

Mr. Nekoba has been help me out with everything throughout these past four emotional years of high school and I am so thankful that he was our counselor, he always found the positive in what ever I was going through in life. He would always remind me who I was freshman year too who I have become as a senior. I wen’t from failing 6 classes during mid quarters too 3.0 GPA’s. Mr.Manly has also influenced me throughout these past two years in kukoa and in his class.He made me love coming to school on even days because I had him for two periods and kukoa. to me was awesome because not only did he make class fun and educational, but he always found time for random roast session’s. :)

What are you most looking forward to?
New opportunity’s that this world has for me. And our class reunion/prom. ;)