Kayla Leigh Kealani Enanoria

Class of 2020 SalutatorianSumma Cum Laude (4.0 or higher GPA)Honors DiplomaNational Honor SocietyPauahi Foundation Academic Scholarship - Pauahi Scholars - Liko Lehua

Plans after high school:

I will be attending the University of Washington's Seattle Campus.

Intended interest area of study?

I will be studying Business Administration as a part of the University of Washington's Foster School of Business.

Favorite moment from high school?

My favorite moment of my high school career was being able to perform as Manono in The Battle of Kuamoʻo on a stage at the Fringe Festival in Edinburgh Scotland. I have always loved performing, and I feel that this show and this role was the culminating experience after everything I had worked toward over my years involved in KS performing arts. I have created friendships through the performing arts program that will last a life time, and I have learned and grown so much as a person through knowing each and every one of them.

Most influential adult throughout my K-12 journey:

My parents Donavan and Kimberly Enanoria have been very influential and instrumental in supporting me in everything that I have chosen to do throughout my K-12 journey. From picking me up from late after school rehearsals, going to each and every performance, to celebrating every accomplishment with me I cannot thank them enough for how much they have helped and continue to help me along my journey. I would also like to take the time to thank my aunty Leanne Okamoto as she has also been such an immense supporter in life and my partner in crime from when I was little. Thank you aunty for all the lessons you've taught me while working on the farm, and for instilling within me creativity and curiosity.

What are you most looking forward to?

I am looking most forward to exploring a new environment and working closer to a career that will allow me to make an impact on my community. I cannot wait to gain more world experiences as I am exposed to new and exciting places and people, and I am similarly excited to introduce to them the place that I come from as it has shaped me into the person I am today.