
Plans after high school:

I have always been fascinated with aeronautics and things of that nature. With that being said I have elected to join the U.S. Air force instead of going to college. In choosing this rout I will be able to acquire the skills that are necessary—and at worst, helpful— skills that will assist me on my path to becoming a pilot.

Intended interest area of study?

My favorite interest of study is history because it often offers complex and intricate stories that tell us why today matters.

Favorite moment from high school?

For da bois, when I dabbed on stage my freshmen year. For the fam then it would have to be when my father came to my last wrestling tournament despite the theoretically probability of my going 0-2

Most influential adult throughout my K-12 journey:

The most influential adult in my academic career is, hands down, my father.

What are you most looking forward to?

I am most eager to go out into the world and show my family that I can be a productive citizen; That all the struggles that were presented to us over the past 18 years was not in vain.