Joanne Marie Puamamane

Summa Cum Laude (4.0 or higher GPA)Honors DiplomaAcademy Endorsement - Health Services, STEAM AcademyNational Honor Society
Pauahi Foundation Academic Scholarship - Pauahi Scholars

Plans after high school:

Springfield College

Intended interest area of study?

Athletic training

Favorite moment from high school?

My favorite memory from high school is our sophomore biathlon. I love looking back on this day because it was the day I knew I was part of a class that is full of love. Part of what made the biathlon so much fun was getting to watch everyone support each other throughout the entire event. Everyone was positive and supportive. I love looking back on that day because that memory is what makes me confident that I will have people who will love and support me in this class, regardless of what may happen in life.

Most influential adult throughout my K-12 journey:

There are so many people (coaches, teachers, administrator, counselors) who have helped me become the person I am proud to be today, but I'd like to say a special thank you to my parents. I've faced challenges growing up and lots of people who wanted to tell me what I could and couldn't do, but my parents were never those people. I just want to thank my mom and dad for always believing in me and for never telling me not to do something. In the best way possible, my parents have encouraged me to struggle and fail. They pushed me to fall because they believed that I would be able to get up stronger, even when I didn't believe in myself. Saying "I can't" was something they never allowed me to, and I wouldn't be going to college to study what I love if they hadn't pushed me to approach challenges without fear.

What are you most looking forward to?
I'm so excited to see where we all end up. I know that everyone in this class is destined for amazing things, and I can't to wait to see what those things are. I know we are going to have the world's best teachers, doctors, coaches, performers, and so much more! I love everyone so much, and I can't wait to watch us all succeed.