Kalaninuiahilapalapaikawekiuokalunalilo Kawahinekoa Kapualeilehua

Cum Laude (3.5 - 3.79 GPA)
Honors Diploma
Academy Endorsement - Science and National Resources, STEAM Academy
National Honor Society

Plans after high school:

Univeristy of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa

Intended interest area of study?

Hawaiian Studies and Hawaiian Law

Favorite moment from high school?

My favorite moment from my high school career was performing the last night of hōʻike for the production of Battle of Kuamoʻo my junior year. When I came on for my curtain call, I waved a Hawaiian flag and bowed as a symbol to show that we, Hawaiʻi, are still a nation. The crowd roared with applause and cheer and it that moment I felt proud to be a hihimanu.

Most influential adult throughout my K-12 journey:

The most influential adult Iʻve ever had throughout my K-12 journey is Mr. Stack. From the first day Iʻve met him till this day he has taught me that patience is a beautiful thing. That patience will determine how I will go on in life because if I canʻt accept the struggles I face now, I might never experience anything with happiness in the future. He taught me to cherish the moments I might disregard and how to lead in an effective way for my lāhui.

What are you most looking forward to?

I am looking forward to hugging all my friends again. I miss everyone and hope to see them soon once this is all over.