Kaddison Takashi Kekaimalu

Plans after high school:


Intended interest area of study?

Business Art/Media

Favorite moment from high school?

I can't pick just one, the past four years has been a dream. Being able to connect with so many people, build relationships, and most importantly find me and who I am. Many moments run through my head like a movie, thinking about the memories that shaped me and the memories that I will look back on 10-15 years later!

Most influential adult throughout my K-12 journey:

The most influential adult for me? I have a few that I could name but that would take forever. It would have to be my Mom (Leslie) & Dad (Kenneth). They've been my rock forever and nothing would be possible without them. They stick by me through thick and thin and never leave me hanging high and dry. They give me the strength, faith, and guidance needed for me to be who I am, for that I'm forever grateful.

What are you most looking forward to?

I look forward to growing up and becoming more of the person I'm meant to be. I don't know what will happen or what's in store but what I do know is that it's all in the hands of God! I'm ready for the next step in my life, God's Plan!