Janessa Anouhea Palo

Plans after high school:

I will be attending Grand Canyon University.

Intended interest area of study?

I will be majoring in Early Childhood Education.

Favorite moment from high school?

My favorite moments are always the class events, although I didnʻt attend as much, but the ones I did go to were all amazing memories. They helped my love for my classmates grow so much.

Most influential adult throughout my K-12 journey:

I have had many teachers who have been influential at different times in my schooling, but within my time at Kamehameha two teachers come to mind when I think of influential, Souza and Kumu Kalili. They both have helped me to be a better person and are one of the reasons I want to become an educator.

What are you most looking forward to?

Two of the things I am looking forward to most about the future is first, reuniting with my classmates and teachers to get to say all of our goodbyes and give our aloha to all of those who have helped us get to where we are now. And secondly, I am excited to be going to college and being able to do it with some of my classmates.