US Phone Info


The USPhoneInfo service identifies phone numbers that have been disconnected and are no longer in service. In addition, the service indicates what type of line the phone number is attached to, for example, land line. The service provides phone number information for US individual names and addresses only. It does not provide phone numbers for businesses.

Typically, you run this service after you have completed address correction and change of address services.


The most commonly used fields for this service are listed in the USPhoneInfoField enumeration.

Required Input Fields

Phone Number Fields

This service requires phone number information as input. If the field is blank <empty>, the field is skipped during processing.

Country Fields

The information in the country field is optional. If there is country information, only blank <empty> and US addresses are submitted to the lookup process. Both two and three character country codes are interpreted. If the country is not set to US, then the record is skipped.


Output fields populated by this service include: