
Pending Payments

Pending Payments are recurring payments waiting to be processed.

  1. Due Date - Date payment is due to process.

    1. Account # - Account number of customer making the payment

    2. Customer - Customer/organization name

    3. Document - Name of document associated with the payment.

    4. Invoice # - Customer invoice number.

    5. Amount - Amount to be processed.

    6. X - Cancel pending payment.

Payment History

  1. Date Range - Choose the date range of history you wish to view.

  2. Date - Date the payment was processed.

    1. Account - Account number of customer that made the payment.

    2. Customer - Name of customer/organization that made the payment.

    3. Amount - Amount paid.

    4. Description - Brief description of payment type.

    5. Status - Current status of payment transaction.

Payment Exceptions

Any recurring payment exceptions will be listed here and will include:

  • Due Date - Date payment is due to process.

  • Account # - Account number of customer making the payment

  • Customer

  • Document

  • Invoice #

  • Amount