Head Of Household


The HeadofHousehold service replaces contact name with the Head of Household for the address record, and appends a reported gender value. This service can add value to contact data that is missing name information.

Input Fields

The most commonly used fields for this service are listed in the HeadOfHouseholdField enumeration.

Required Input Fields

This service requires address fields as input.

Address Fields

This service requires address information as input. As a general rule, at minimum, the service requires the AddressLine1, City, State, and ZipCode fields. If these individual fields are not available, you can use the AddressBlock field.

There are other alternate combinations that can work. For more information, please see Supplying Required Address Information.

Note: contact fields (Including FirstName, MiddleName, LastName, FullName, NameSuffix, and Salutation fields) would NOT be typical input for this service. The service will return new information for these fields, which will overwrite existing contact information.

Output Fields

Output fields populated by this service include: