
Uploaded Jobs

  1. Date Range - Select date range of jobs you wish to view.

  2. ID - Unique job ID used to identify each job in ConnectSuite e-Delivery.

    1. Description - Friendly name of uploaded job file

    2. Uploaded By - Login ID of user who uploaded job

    3. Status - Current job upload status

    4. Date - Date/time of job upload

  3. Actions

    1. View Job Details - Job specific metrics

    2. View Documents - Information on each document in the job including account number, customer, document type and date of job.

      1. View the document as it will appear to the customer here.


  1. Reprint ID - Unique ID of reprint job.

    1. Account - Customer account number.

    2. Customer

    3. Document - Document to be printed.

    4. Date - Date/time document placed in reprint queue.

  2. Actions

    1. View - View the document as it will appear to the customer.

    2. Delete - Remove from reprint queue.