

March Passport to ReconiliACTION

Please be sure to spend some time on our Language Revitalization Page! You will find resources, videos, and learn about KPR's Anishinaabemowin programs. 

Language and Place

Anishinaabemowin Classes at KPR

Kawartha Pine Ridge District School Board offers Anishinaabemowin classes at the following sites:

Indigenous Language Resources


Anishinaabemowin is the language of the Michi Saagiig territory.


This is the language of the Métis.

More Options

We have students from a variety of communities. We will continue to add to this page as we gather resources.

Education for Reconciliation: 

The Truth and Reconciliation Commission's Calls to Action

We call upon the federal government to acknowledge that Aboriginal rights include Aboriginal language rights. 

14. We call upon the federal government to enact an Aboriginal Languages Act that incorporates the following principles: 

15. We call upon the federal government to appoint, in consultation with Aboriginal groups, an Aboriginal Languages Commissioner. The commissioner should help promote Aboriginal languages and report on the adequacy of federal funding of Aboriginal-languages initiatives. 

16. We call upon post-secondary institutions to create university and college degree and diploma programs in Aboriginal languages. 

17.  We call upon all levels of government to enable residential school Survivors and their families to reclaim names changed by the residential school system by waiving administrative costs for a period of five years for the name-change process and the revision of official identity documents, such as birth certificates,  passports, driver’s licenses, health cards, status cards, and social insurance  numbers.

Click here to read all the Calls to Action.