Truth and Reconciliation


Learn More About Truth & Reconciliation

Refer to Foundational Documents

Kawartha Pine Ridge District School Board has formally adopted these as being foundational documents for Indigenous Education. They are always referred to when planning for system projects.

Acknowledge Significant Days

Throughout the school year, there are important days to acknowledge. Here are some resources to support learning more about:

Make the Land Acknowledgement Meaningful

The Land Acknowledgement is about relationship. Where are you? Who are the people of this place? Who are you? 

It can represent a commitment to social change, a way to remind yourself and others of your responsibilities.

Click here for our resources on the KPR Land Acknowledgement.

Listen To (or Read)  Indigenous Voices

Strengthen relationships through Reconciliation by centring Indigenous voices and lived experiences. Engage in learning that explores and values Indigenous knowledge, culture and perspectives to create respectful relationships among students, staff, families, and local Indigenous communities.

Use the KPR Tool for Evaluating Resources For Anti-Indigenous Bias 

Engage in Action

Learning is action. Show your commitment to learn more by actively participating in the KPR Passport to ReconiciliACTION.

Consider adding a Heart Garden to your school property. Contact one of our Indigenous Education Consultants for more information.

Featured School Resource Suggestions

Featured Online Resources

Reconciliation Projects

Please reach out to one of the Indigenous Education Consultants or the System Principal of Indigenous Education for support.

We recommend:

Featured Staff Reading Suggestions

Featured Podcasts