Grades 1-9 Curriculum


Language Grades 1-8

Indigenous Education Connections in the New Language Curriculum

Curriculum Expectations

A3: “apply language and literacy skills in cross-curricular and integrated learning, and demonstrate an understanding of, and make connections to, diverse voices, experiences, perspectives, histories, and contributions, including those of First Nations, Métis, and Inuit individuals, communities, groups, and nations”

C1.7: “read, listen to, and view various forms of texts by diverse First Nations, Métis, and Inuit creators to demonstrate understanding of various aspects of First Nations, Métis, and Inuit histories, cultures, relationships, communities, groups, nations, and lived experiences”

C3.7 identify some ways in which texts created by First Nations, Métis, and Inuit individuals, communities, groups, or nations communicate about historical periods, cultural experiences, and events, and how they relate to current lived experiences

Know Your Learners 

Reveal what you know and what you need to know

Create Cultural Safety

Relate to your students’ lived experiences and readiness to learn

Provide Context

Reflect on intent of the curriculum expectations

Share Learning Intentions

Respond by naming the learning for students

Language Grade 9

Grade 9 Destreamed day- Indigenous Expectations

Resources for the Language Curriculum