Primary/Junior Resources
Frequently Asked Questions
Where can I find grade specific lesson plans that are ready to go?
Although there are some lessons available online, many need updating or are not a right fit for the Ontario curriculum. Always consider why this learning at this time for these students? Review the Essential Considerations for Indigenous Education at KPR.
How does Indigenous Education fit within the K-8 curriculum?
Connections can be made in every subject area of the Elementary Curriculum. In 2016, the First Nations, Metis, and Inuit Connections - Scope and Sequence K-8 was released. It provides some ideas of what the curriculum connections can look like.
I'm afraid of making a mistake. How do I know I am on track?
Our Indigenous Education consultant team is available to meet with you to review your vision for integrating Indigenous knowledge, perspective, culture, and history into the curriculum. Send an email to book an in person or online meeting.
All of this is overwhelming. Where do I start?
Review the Holistic Approach to Indigenous Education. As a system we are in the East. Begin by learning more about Truth and Reconciliation. The Passport to ReconciliACTION is an ideal place to learn alongside students.
Where can I find a guest or Elder or Knowledge Keeper to visit my class?
Members of the Indigenous Education Department are available to guest teach on the following topics:
An introduction to plants
The importance of long hair in Indigenous culture
The history of Métis in Ontario
Anti-Indigenous racism
(More topics coming soon!)
Elder Melody Crowe often visits K-8 classes to share teachings on a variety of topics. Another option is to use archived videos on our YouTube channel to bring authentic, local voice into your classroom. Click here to read more about Elders and Knowledge Keepers.
To Honour and Respect: Gifts from Michi Saagiig Women to the Prince of Wales, 1860
A book about this exhibit was purchased by the Indigenous Education Department and will be shipped to every school at the end of September or early October.
Featured Resources For Primary Classes
Here are some grade specific resources. Continue to scroll through this page and you will find opportunities and experiences that suit multiple grades.
Other resources to inform instruction for early learners:
Featured Resources For Junior Classes
Grade 4
Grade 5
Indian Residential Schools and Reconciliation: A Teacher's Guide (Grade 5 Social Studies)
Classroom Opportunities & Resources K-8
Being able to see yourself in texts heightens the sense of belonging in a classroom.
If you are considering purchasing new texts, or developing a list of books to read with your class, consider reviewing the GoodMinds website or the ETFOFNMI Growth Chart. GoodMinds is a website dedicated to promoting Indigeous Authors. The Growth Chart provides texts by grade level with guiding questions and extension activities.
As with any text that you introduce to your classroom we encourage you to pre-read the text and ensure that it reflects the needs of your classroom. If you are unsure of a text, please reach out to your Indigenous Education Consultant.
KPR Tool for Evaluating Texts for Anti-Indigenous Bias
Consider why this resource at this time, for this class.
Review the Tool for Evaluating Resources for Anti-Indigenous Bias.
Check in with an Indigenous Education Consultant.
KPR K-8 Science Curriculum Resource
Key Moments in Indigenous History Timeline
Every school in KPR received a copy of this poster resource in November 2022. If you require more, please contact the KPR Print Shop.
“Popular narratives of Canadian history have most frequently been told from the perspective of European settlers. As a result, Indigenous experiences have often been neglected or excluded from the telling of our country’s history. For a more comprehensive understanding of Canada’s history, it is important to examine it from Indigenous perspectives.” (Historica Canada)
You can access supporting lesson planning ideas and resources at the following links:
ETFO First Nation, Métis and Inuit Resources
These are all excellent and highly recommended by the KPR Indigenous Education Department.
Interdisciplinary Science Lessons (P/J/I/S)
Source: Lessons From the Earth and Beyond
This website has many great interdisciplinary lesson ideas across all of the divisions. We encourage you to explore this website as you plan your upcoming Science and Social Studies Units. This linked resource is an example of how Indigenous ways of knowing can be weaved into Science as well as other areas of the curriculum in one lesson.
Each lesson focuses on 7 Big Ideas.
The website then focuses on each division and anchors the learning to the 7 Big Ideas with sample lesson plans and cross curricular connections.
This is a great example of how Indigenous Education is embedded into a lesson with intention and authenticity.
Métis Education Kits
Parks Canada and Métis Culture for Social Studies
Parks Canada has prepared short videos introducing various aspects of Métis culture. Each video gives a voice to today’s Métis communities to share their own stories of Métis history and culture. Click here to access Parks Canada full Playlist to learn more about Métis culture. These videos would compliment a Social Studies unit as you learn about Canada’s rich diversity.
The Inuit Art Foundation
This foundation is devoted to advancing and appreciating Inuit and circumpolar Indigenous arts. The link provides a starting point for learning more Inuit Art. The link below, provides a list of Ontario based Inuit Artists. You can explore the various mediums used, learn more about the personal journey’s of the artists and their inspirations. This would be an excellent resource for developing an Indigenous Art Gallery Walk in your classroom while appreciating the diversity of Ontario’s Artists.
Indigenous Knowledge and Our Connection to the Land with Isaac Day Murdoch
A collection of stories, images, and prompts for K-8.
Indigenous Connections to Mathematics Video Series
Highlights the significance of Indigenous Knowledge and how this can help students learn mathematical concepts
Demonstrates how land-based learning and language helps develop spatial reasoning skills
Take Action for Reconciliation Series
For Grades 3-8 and in French for Grades 4-8. Available through Scholastic. Excellent series for classroom use.
Bringing Métis Children's Literature to Life
In September 2022, this kit was provided for each elementary school. Click here for the teacher guide with lesson plans.
Taanshi Books: Emergent Reader Series
In September 2022, a set of these books was provided to every elemetantary school.
Orca Indigenous Book Collection
This collection includes twelve titles ranging from baby board books to middle-school nonfiction and teen fiction. All of these titles are from acclaimed Indigenous authors and illustrators.
This is a multi-user login, so we can have as many students using the programs at one time as we can from school or at home, on almost any device.
Students and educators can access books at the following URL:
Username: kpr
Password: R3ads
User Instructions for Orca Digital Subscribers - available to staff, students & parents.
Scholastic Canada
Scholastic Canada is offering many of their digital resources for free until the end of June. There are Indigenous titles in the Shared eReading resource for Kindergarten to Grade 3, which is great for shared reading!
You can access that (along with our other free digital resources) at the link below:
Educators (and parents) can access all five of the resources on that page without the need of a login or password.
The books in Shared eReading that have Indigenous content include:
Kindergarten ~ Helping Grandma
Grade 1 ~ Camping at the Lake
Grade 2 ~ “Come to the Pow-wow!” & The Inuksuk
Grade 3 ~ I Live in the North
Pathway to Stewardship & Kinship
Pathway to Stewardship & Kinship is a foundation for nurturing healthy and engaged children and youth. Through simple, age-linked “Landmark” activities that grow with them, children gain vital tools for physical and mental health, and lifelong relationships that bring joy and meaning to life.
When families, schools and the community work together to give these experiences to every child, the benefits are deep and lasting – for all of us, for future generations, and the world we share.
Before checking out this amazing database as posted throughout our own site, please carefully peruse the ‘Read First’ document.
It provides important foundational information about the spirit and intent of the NCCIE website.
All resources are available in English and French.
Please preview each resource carefully. Since the lessons connect to communities across Canada, some are better choices for this territory of the Mississauga First Nations. Check in with an Indigenous Education Consultant on how to use this resource best.
Building Knowledge
What You Can Do
With Youth for Youth
Ezhi-Wiijikiwendiyang Friendship Accord videos:
1. Opening video feat. Hiawatha First Nation's Rebecca Bartosh
2. Curve Lake First Nation's Dani Johnson and Ashley Evans-Knott
INDIGENOUS YOUTH VOICES: A Roadmap to the Truth and Reconciliation Commission Call to Action #66
Alderville Black Oak Savanna
The Alderville Black Oak Savanna site supports two types of endangered grasslands: tallgrass prairie and oak savanna. They are booking field trips, virtual visits and have a detailed website that includes teachers resources in the area of ecology.
Indigenous Artists in Schools Program
In YPT’s Indigenous Artists in Schools program, teachers and students learn about Indigenous culture directly from Indigenous artist educators.
Rooted in their own arts practices, cultural knowledge and experience, Indigenous artist educators facilitate workshops for students and educators to continue their lifelong learning about Indigenous people and customs.
Workshops are available for JK to Grade 12 – and teachers!
Indigenous Peoples Atlas of Canada
A large interactive floor map with lessons to support the learning. This is a gym sized 10.7m (35.1’) x 7.9m (25.92’) map that students can interact with. This map shows the locations of Indigenous communities, residential schools, reserves and more. Rather than political borders, Canada is broken up into Indigenous language groups.
We have a map available through the Resource Library. Teacher Kit includes:
Teacher’s guide
Hard copies of all learning activities
All required materials for learning activities (download activities from the Canadian Geographic Link)
How to book this resource:
Go to My KPR on the Web
Select the Resource Library App
Log in with your KPR Log in Information
Select Search and use the information in the picture to locate the Map.
TRACKS Indigenous Science Workshops
TRACKS (TRent Aboriginal Cultural Knowledge and Science) is an educational program based on Michi Saagiig Anishnaabeg territory. Hosted by Trent University within the Indigenous Environmental Studies and Sciences Program (IESS), TRACKS operates in partnership with founding partner organization Kawartha World Issues Centre and the First Peoples House of Learning. TRACKS consists of two distinct and connected programs: Education and Oshkwazin Indigenous Youth Leadership.
School-based workshops are available for students ages 6-12. Further information is available on the TRACKS website.
Rabbit and Bear Paws
By Chad Solomon
He also regularly visits KPR schools and provides dynamic classroom and whole school presentations.
Kawartha World Issues Centre
Click here to learn more about their workshops for classrooms.