Adult Learning


We invite you to reflect on:

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One minute. One hour. One day. One week. One month. One year. One lifetime. 

It starts with a minute of your time and attention. It can lead to a big impact over the course of a lifetime. We want this month to be transformative in the ways you think about Indigenous Education. 

Transformative learning isn’t always comfortable. It leads to changes in the ways we see things and the ways we do things. If you experience some discomfort, then you may be on track. 

How will you be the change? 

Listen to Indigenous voices. Explore the stories of First Nation, Métis, and Inuit people. Engage in the resources and opportunities provided by our department. Go slowly and mindfully. Be a learner first.

Quick Links Slow Learning

This document is for KPR staff access only.

Recommended Reading List
Virtual Learning and Sharing Series