Digital lives

An example Surface Go with TypeCover & Stylus 
In order to make sure electrical equipment can be used, please ensure that they have the recognised symbols above on any charging components

All pupils are allowed to have a mobile phone with them which may be used in accordance with School Rules. Boarders in years 7 to Upper 5th are requested to keep their phones and other electronic devices in the boarding offices overnight to ensure they form healthy sleeping habits. 

All rooms in the Boarding Houses have high-speed wireless internet connection and there is also a computer suite in each House. We encourage our boarders to speak regularly with their families via video link whenever possible to update them on all the adventures and activities they are experiencing. 

King’s School Rochester is a thoroughly digital native school and most lessons will involve the use of a learning device. Pupils use iPads in years 4 to 6 and Microsoft Surface tablets in years 7 to Upper 6th. All work is given via Google Classroom and email, via Gmail, is a core mechanism for contacting teachers and family. Pupils staying for a year or less can rent a Surface Go from school at £120 per term.  For pupils staying for a year or more, we recommend renting a Surface Go/Pro from our school supplier: Easy4U (order code KSR2023).

All laptops/tablets brought to school are monitored, filtered and whenever possible, enrolled into the school systems to keep our pupils safe. More information about this will be shared during induction. 

The boarding houses use an online platform called Reach to enable live tracking of pupils’ whereabouts. The same platform is used to do leave requests and submit holiday forms. Both parents/guardians and pupils will be given access when they join the School. 

Staff who look after your child at King's are only an email away should you need to contact them or wish to discuss any matters relating to them and parents are given all contact details when their child joins the School.