Adolescent and Young Adult Suicide

It's More than Sadness

Regrettably, suicide amongst the young has been on a steady incline over the past ten or so years. The reasons that people give for this are as plentiful as they usually are victim-blaming. Things like increased use of Social Media, lack of discipline at home, and an inherit belief that any actual sign of depression is a cry for attention. Suicide is more than that though.

It's a State of Mind

For so long adults haven't given young people enough credit. Though they may not have the emotional maturity to handle this state of mind like an adult could, they do know what they're feeling. This lack of belief on the adults part can isolate the child, pushing them even further into the bottomless chasm that is depression and suicidal ideation.

There is Good news though

Yes, the rate of Suicide is on the rise. But with every year that passes, the stigmatization of mental health is slowly but surely decreasing. Children are finally being allowed, and even encouraged, to seek out mental health and wellness. The current generation of parents as well is comprised of people who know the dangers of mental illness. Who know how serious it should be taken. It isn't perfect, but in this case? Every step Matters. No exceptions.

Jeanette and her Attempt

Our main character Jeanette is a victim of one such suicide attempt. Thankfully her Father, Mark, was there to find her in the nick of time to save her life. The exact reasons for her suicide are left to be intentionally vague, but the fact that she was eventually able to get help the she needed is a good. However, Mark's treatment of the event is very indicative of a parent who is emotionally unequipped to deal with something like this, and as result, pushed his daughter even further away.