Dramaturgy Note

A note from Meredith Keenan

Into the woods shows us the reality behind what it means to be a parent and a partner. It shows us the world behind a child's eyes, and how we see that magic. The importance of a child's imagination, and how that impacts their view of the world, is something that changes over time.

What this show means, is who are you as a person when your life becomes so entangled in others?

A bit about dramaturg Meredith Keenan

Meredith Keenan is a junior literature and theatre studies major at Stockton University. While her credits include Assistant Stage Management ( A Midsummer Nights Dream) and Prop Master (The Family Project), this is her first time being a dramaturg! Alongside several acting roles she has had throughout her career, she also is a playwright! She would like to thank the entire team of Into the Woods, and well as Toby Malone, Bob Bartlett and TJ Young for all of their help and support. Enjoy the show!