A Victim of Circumstance

As a person, Jeanette is someone that takes deep pride in her intelligence and the work she does. As a result of this intelligence she has opened Pandora's box, so to speak. She knows that the way her Father treats her isn't right. She has no doubt, with her therapists help, identified every impact that her Father's abuse had on her as a person. Which makes it all the more frustrating that she has to keep him in her life due to an undeserved amount of loyalty she has for him.

She has the Patience of a Saint

Though details on her personal life aren't given, one can assume that Jeanette is an adult woman with a life of her own. Perhaps a job of her own, but we, the audience, know she has taken enough college courses to be a trusted editor of her Father's speeches. Choosing to not only interact with one of the confirmed reasons for her attempt at suicide all those years ago, but to even go as far as rewrite portions of an apology speech of his. An apology speech spoken only at the behest of political backlash. Not due to any actual kindness on her Father's part, to her or the victim of his harsh words.

Even a Saint's Patience is Finite

Despite the immense effort she is putting into the relationship with her Father, it's obvious that he doesn't appreciate it. The editing, something she has obviously done before, is met with a casual dismissal with every flaw she points out. Even with the casual dismissals, and sexism, that is thrown her way Jeanette still manages to keep her cool. Only losing it when her Father crosses a line she just can't let slide. If she did, it would most likely reaffirm her most hated aspect of herself. That she is "...just reduced to some two dimensional ideal of a person, just some fake cardboard cut-out of a human being. " (Strategy, pg 15.)