
Never Knowing What's Real

As an abusive tactic, Gaslighting is used primarily as a way to get the victim in a mental state that is removed from the reality of a situation. This can be seen in ways that are both big and small, often getting mixed in with what society would consider "normal" lies.

It's All about Attacking

The key difference though, between lying and gaslighting, is the nature of what is being done to their recipient. Both are about distorting the truth. A lie, however, is not inherently meant to demean or belittle the other person. That is the nature of Gaslighting. It makes the victim question reality, but it also damages the victim's ability to trust in themself. Making them completely dependent on their abuser to confirm what is "objective reality" and what isn't.

Mark's Gaslighting Tendencies

Although Mark's gaslighting isn't the extreme case that's been described above, it doesn't need to be. Whether he had intentionally meant too or not, his daughter's perception of herself and her place in the world has been completely distorted around his own image. Not only that, he also took something she is obviously proud of, her education, and belittles it too her face. Mocking the academic language she uses and forcing its validity into question as a result.