Dramaturgy Note

Love is something that we all want, something we all go through, it's something that mystifies and entices us. Although some people view love as a curse that they would never want to have again, it affects no one worse than Maggie Dylan. This 30 year old ex-secretary of the Sisters of Perpetual Suffering deals with a kind of love curse that would make any person shut themselves in. With every man she has ever loved suffering from a premature death, Maggie continually finds herself trying to cut emotion out of her life, working to save her suitors from the possibility of an early demise.

The point of this note is to give setting and context to this play, and I can think of no better way than to give you a hypothetical. Every time you feel yourself getting close to someone, when you feel your love growing, tragedy strikes. Your love is ripped away and you don’t even get a proper goodbye. Love. One of the most basic human emotions is a driving factor in how almost every single person in this world acts. How would you act? How would you keep going?

Why watch Killer Hi-Fi? Why spend your time? We are all struggling to find connection, to find a love that's amicable and won’t hurt anyone. We can all find a piece of ourselves in Maggie and the plight she's trying to survive.